Hi Origin folks,
I have a technical question:
How can I do xy plot in labtalk if all x values are in Sheet1 and y values in Sheet2 ?
In sheet1, each column represents x1, x2, ... x10000 while in sheet2 each column represents y1, y2, ... y10000. I would like to plot (x1,y1) to (x10000, y10000) in one xy plot (line plot). I used a loop statement as below:
int nCols = wks.ncols;
loop (ii, 1, nCols)
plotxy iy:=([Book2]"Sheet1"!$(ii),[Book2]"Sheet2"!$(ii)) plot:=201 rescale:=1 color:=3 legend:=0 ogl:=!1;
sec -p 1;
set %C -z 2;
But I guess the data is too big (>10000lines and >10000 columns), the drawing is very slow. Is there any fast way such as in matlab one can plot a matrix x vs a matrix y.
Many thanks for your help,