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 plot surface problem

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
eureka Posted - 06/02/2005 : 10:27:22 AM
hi all
i dont know how to do a surface from my data..
i have the viscosity dependece of time at several sheare rate but the shaer rate aren't equidistant how i can do?
plz help me
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
greg Posted - 06/06/2005 : 10:45:03 AM
We received your file, but the answer is still the same:
We only support one matrix in any 3D layer. While you can put two matrices in a 3D layer, there are drawing problems which can quickly become apparent if you try to use a surface plot type and try to rotate the layer.
This is because Origin does not calculate any surface intersections and simply draws one surface after the other.

easwar Posted - 06/03/2005 : 1:51:02 PM

Where did you upload the example to?

If you are asking whether one can plot a surface where for a given x,y pair there is more than one z value, that is currently not supported by using just one matrix - the matrix object, which is required to make a surface plot, can have only one z value per x,y pair.


eureka Posted - 06/02/2005 : 12:51:45 PM
hi easwar thank you for the fast reply
but my problem is little different, i have upload an example for more clearness, my data are more than one xyz set and i can't do a surface
that describe the dependece from viscosity to shear rate and time...
like a bidimensional function f(x,y)=z

thanks and sorry for my bad english
easwar Posted - 06/02/2005 : 10:37:59 AM

If what you mean is that you have three columns of data that represent X, Y, Z values and the X, Y are not regularly spaced, but are randomly spaced - in other words, an XYZ scatter dataset - then you can do the following:

1> highlight the Z col and use the menu command Edit->Convert to Matrix->Random XYZ and then pick a gridding method from the drop-down list. This will create a regularly spaced matrix from your scatter data
2> with the matrix window active, use Plot->3D Color Map Surface menu item for example, to make the 3D plot.


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