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 Setting of y-intercept for Multiple Regression An

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
IndiJones Posted - 06/07/2005 : 9:59:48 PM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): Pro 7.5 SR5
Operating System: Windows 2000

Is it possible to set the y-intercept to zero for multiple regression analysis (Menu/Statistics/Multiple Regression)?

I have another off-topic question. Why does Origin start with the system font size even though I set them earlier to the desired size (Menu/Format/Worksheet-uncheck "use system font")?

Thanks in advance!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 06/13/2005 : 1:58:47 PM
> Is it possible to set the y-intercept to zero for
> multiple regression analysis (Menu/Statistics/Multiple
> Regression)?

In my knowledge, in the multiple regression from the
menu does not have the option to specify 0 as the
y-intercept, if you mean the equation:
Here, there is no bias term, a0.
However, you can define this functiuon in the Non-Linear
Curve Fitting (NLSF) (X1, X2,... are reserved, so you
need xx1, xx2,... for example.)
(Or, define y=a0+a1*xx1+a2*xx2+...; set a0 to 0, and
clear the "Vary?" option in fitting.)

Hideo Fujii

Edited by - Hideo Fujii on 06/13/2005 2:04:47 PM
greg Posted - 06/13/2005 : 12:21:15 PM
I'm not sure if the first part is possible ( or even if it makes any sense ), but as to the second part :

You need to do a File : Save Template as and save your ORIGIN worksheet template.

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