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 Psdvoigt1/2 Function Fit Error

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
alyrian Posted - 06/14/2005 : 06:04:45 AM
Origin Version (Select Help-->About Origin): 7.5 SR0
Operating System: XP

I am trying to fit peaks of Raman Spectra, I got 3 peaks. When using the NLSF Wizard, with the functions PsdVoigt1 or 2, I got the error message 'Error! Parameter(s) mu2, mu3 is (are) not properly initialized. Check their values.'

How do i check their values and what should it be? (I got no idea)
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
easwar Posted - 06/14/2005 : 11:00:10 AM

Looks like you are fitting using replicas and so mu1, mu2, mu3 correspond to the mu parameter for the three peaks in your data. Currently when fitting with replicas the parameter initialization routine does not initialize the parameter values for the replica peaks. So you just need to provide some initial value to the parameters and then try iterating. To assign values manually, you can just go to the fit page in NLSF tool and use the scroll bar in the top half of the tool to see the current values of each parameter and then type in appropriate initial values. You would find that parameters such as mu2, mu3 may just have missing values currently and so you need to put in some initial estimate.


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