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 loop through Workbooks with imported data

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
DrKlein1 Posted - 12/15/2017 : 11:00:33 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin2015G
Operating System:Windows 7 professional

I want to import several ASCII-Files (*.dat) using

dlgfile gr:=*.dat mu:=1 init:="K:\Mat\Daten\QE2";

which allows me to select multiple files at a time. Then, each .dat file is imported into a new workbook using


I played with the "options" of "ImpASC" a little and with these options I get the data into a workbook all right.

Next step would be to manipulate each workbook with a script by looping through all the workbooks I just imported.
But I can't figure out a way that will work for all ASCII filenames.

Once the files are imported, Origin truncates or changes their short names if they are not unique, contain "_" or leading numbers or other special characters (which happens to be the case in my case). I can find out the file names by using


in a loop where ii is the loop index and "a" is a string containing the original name of the ASCII-file (which is the long name of the workbook after import). But to activate a workbook, I need the short name.

I also would not want to loop over all workbooks in the project since there might be other workbooks in the folder which I do not want to manipulate.

I also could not get the command "options.scripts.ScriptAfterEachImport:=...."
to work. It is also not very handy since the script after each import is several lines long.

Bottom line:
I think I need a way to get the short names of the worksbooks with the imported data or
a way to execute a (longer) script after each import or
a way to loop only over the recently imported workbooks.

Thanks in advance,
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
FJoel Posted - 01/30/2018 : 02:38:29 AM
Hi Greg,

thank you for the quick reply.
Unfortunately, I can not fix the problem with your example. I tried to modify the parts but the code still only imports the data but do not process the data.

string fns, path$=C:\Users...; 
findfiles fname:=fns$ ext:="*.txt";
StringArray sa;
impasc fname:=fns$  
options.ImpMode:=3     		    /* start with new book */
options.Sparklines:=2 		    /* add sparklines if < 50 */
options.Names.AutoNames:=1 	    /* turn off auto rename */
options.Names.FNameToBk:=0          /* do not rename the workbook */
options.Names.FNameToSht:=0         /* rename sheet to file name */
options.Names.FNameToBkComm:=1      /* add file name to book comment */
sa.Add(%H); 		// Add window name to stringarray
str$ = sa.GetAt(ii)$;
win -a %(str$);
// my process code
wks.col = 1;
wks.insert(X Y Z);
col(1)[L]$ = C/x;
col(2)[L]$ = n(Li);
col(3)[L]$ = Capacity;
col(1)[U]$ = ;
col(2)[U]$ = mol;
col(3)[U]$ = mAh.g;
col(1)[C]$ = cell1;
wxt -r 2 test:="col(F)=0 AND col(G)=1" c2:=10 ow:=<0>;
wxt -r 2 test:="col(F)=1" c2:=10 ow:=<1>; 

Many thanks for any help,

greg Posted - 01/29/2018 : 6:01:12 PM
You can use a StringArray to keep track of the resulting window name, then loop through each of those and do whatever...

string fns, path$=C:\Program Files\OriginLab\Origin2018\Samples\Import and Export;
findfiles fname:=fns$ ext:="*.dat";
StringArray sa;
impasc fname:=fns$
Options.Headers.LongName:= 1;1
sa.Add(%H); // Add window name to stringarray
str$ = sa.GetAt(ii)$;
win -a %(str$);
// Process code here;

There is no hope!
(But I may be wrong.)
FJoel Posted - 01/29/2018 : 08:55:38 AM
I am very new to Origin at all and uses OriginPro 2017G Version.
Similar to Olivers issue I have some further questions.
I imported multiple .*txt files with impasc fname:=fns$ analogs to your example on the webpage (2.10.1) successfully into multiple books names book1 to bookn.

After importing I want to add columns with a function and finally use the X-Function wxt to manipulate the data in each imported workbook.

How can I use the "doc -ef W{} function for looping over all books, and how can I tell the wxt function the book name?

Bellow, you can find a not working script with some comments.

I really appreciate your help and thank you in advance,


// Import multiple files with the extension *.txt from the path ref:2.10.1 Importing Data
string fns, path$=C:\Users...; 
findfiles fname:=fns$ ext:="*.txt";
int n = fns.GetNumTokens(CRLF);
string bkName$;
newbook s:=0 result:=bkName$;
impasc fname:=fns$  
options.ImpMode:=3     		    /* start with new book */
options.Sparklines:=2 		    /* add sparklines if < 50 */
options.Names.AutoNames:=0 	    /* turn off auto rename */
options.Names.FNameToBk:=0          /* do not rename the workbook */
options.Names.FNameToSht:=0         /* rename sheet to file name */
options.Names.FNameToBkComm:=1      /* add file name to book comment */
Options.Headers.LongName:= 1		// Longname in row 1
orng:=[bkName$]A1!A[1]:C[0];            // What does these line mean?
// copyed from the top
range rr=[%(fname$)];
win -a %(rr);
// loop over every Workbook W in project folder -ef ref: 2.12.3
doc -ef W {
int nsheets = 0;
// Starting with the Script for every workbook: activating worksheet 1
wks.col = 1;
// Adding 3 columns with the name X Y and Z
wks.insert[fname$]Sheet1!(X Y Z);
// Set Long Name by using col
[fname$]"Sheet1"!col(1)[L]$ = C/x;
// Set Units by using range
[fname$]"Sheet1"!col(1)[U]$ = A ;
// Set Comments by using range
[fname$]"Sheet1"!col(1)[C]$ = cell1;
// insert function to columns:
// Manipulating the data with the wxt function (4.1.1) and copying selected rows into new sheet
wxt -r 2 test:="col(F)=0 AND col(G)=1" iw:=[Book8]"Sheet 1"! c2:=10 ow:=<0>;
wxt -r 2 test:="col(F)=1" iw:=[Book8]"Sheet 1"! c2:=10 ow:=<1>; 

Shirley_GZ Posted - 12/18/2017 : 04:38:13 AM
Hi Oliver,

Please kindly note that the command "options.scripts.ScriptAfterEachImport:=...." is only available since Origin 2016.

In addition, once you imported the files, you can get the file name and activate the corresponding workbook in this way:

range rr=[%(fname$)];
win -a %(rr);

Please consider to upgrade your Origin to our current version Origin 2018. And don't hesitate to let us know the problem you met.


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