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 Bar Graph not showing one bar?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kikimaomao Posted - 01/21/2018 : 12:24:09 PM
Origin Ver. 8and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: 10

hi i have a series of x/y data
to make multiple colours of bars, i made the worksheet as shown

unfortunately there is a skinny black line at the far right that should be a magenta filled with the same width as the other bars
any clue as to why this might not be showing?

thank you for your time =)

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpyang Posted - 01/22/2018 : 6:41:43 PM
I tried again in 2018 and it is very easy to make this. Just put data into XY and add another column to group the values, and then set the color to be controlled by that category column. See the way I made this:

kikimaomao Posted - 01/22/2018 : 09:49:51 AM
Thank you for your reply

I ultimately want my bar graph to look like as shown, but with all the bars visible. The missing bar on the right (should be magenta) does not show and i'm wondering if anyone has come across this issue before, despite it being the same settings as the rest of the bars in the chart theme.

I grouped my data this way so i could individually colour the bars in the graph. as you can see, come are grouped together as red, while a different number are grouped as blue. this was the easiest way i could do it, but if you know a simpler route, that would be appreaciated!

the stacked chart looks nice, but it does not show the distance between the x values, which was why i did not put the x value as the bin name. this way I can show the differences in x more clearly.

ultimately i am asking if anyone has had an issue where a bar in their bar graph is not fully visible

cpyang Posted - 01/21/2018 : 4:06:00 PM
What do you want the result to be? Also, why arrange the data this way, why not just X and Y?

I put your data into 2018, and make a stack column plot, is this what you want?


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