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 Arranging boxplot-graphs unequally on the x-axis

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MrsPacman Posted - 01/24/2018 : 08:18:53 AM
Hi to all forum members,

having a little problem here u might can help.

I created a diagram with the follow up data of serume levels. I made a boxplot for each point of interest in the same diagram: At 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months.

Now i want to arrange these boxplots in correct spacing in terms of the time that has passed on the X-axis.

Hope u can help.
Thank you

Edit: i tried to illustrate the result im hoping to get at the end

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
YimingChen Posted - 01/25/2018 : 10:34:33 AM

You can put the patient # in a different column header row, say Comments.
1. In the X Axis property dialog, go to Tick Labels tab, Display subtab, change Type to Column Name or Label, change Display to <Custom>, in Custome Display entry, enter %(?, @LA) %(?, @LC).
2. Go to Format subtab, expand Wrap Text node, change Wrap Text to By Number of Characters, set Wrap Minimum Width to 1.
Apply the change, two rows of labels will display. Hope this answers your questions.

MrsPacman Posted - 01/25/2018 : 05:21:56 AM
Thank you so much, this is exactly what i was looking for!

Hope you dont mind asking a second (and probably my last) question.

Is there a possibility adding a second X-axis labeling additionally to the first?

I want to label the number of patients to each boxplot as well as in the following example:

Thank you!
YimingChen Posted - 01/24/2018 : 2:38:52 PM

Here we presume you have raw data that each column stores the data for one box. Select all columns and make a box plot. To have boxes spaced referring to numeric x axis, you can do the following:
1. Double click the box plot. Switch to Box tab, set X position to Long Name, assuming here the position values are stored in the Long Name.
2. To change x axis labels, double click on x axis, switch to Tick Labels tab. Under Table subtab, uncheck Enable checkbox. Under Format subtab, change Alignment to Center.
3. Select Scale tab, set Major Ticks Type to By Plot Column Label, set Column label to Long Name.
The result should look like below.


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