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 how to fill up textfields in graphs automatically

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LoKiaK Posted - 01/26/2018 : 05:42:35 AM
Origin 2017G
Win10 64bit

maybe one of you can help with the following problem: there are several graphs in my working template, each one with a text field. The content of each textfield should be same, so I'd like to write down the content in a cell of a worksheet or a excel-window, and the textfields should pick up the information out of that cell(s). Is it possible to realize that application without any programming? I'd be suprised if not. I've tried a lot but couldn't fix it. It would be very nice of you, if somebody could give me a hint.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 01/30/2018 : 11:25:45 AM
Hi LoKiaK,

Have you tried to Copy-and-PasteLink?

First, you copy a cell in a worksheet (CNTL-C), make a text object("T" tool), right-click in the text field,
and choose "Paste Link" flyout (CNTL-ALT-V). The pasted link looks like "%([Book2]Sheet1,@WL,A[1], W)".

I hope I didn't miss your point.

--Hideo Fujii
greg Posted - 01/29/2018 : 6:41:44 PM
You can make each label 'smart' by setting up a script:
Right-click on the text label and choose "Programming Control" or "Properties" (depends on version).
If you had to select "Properties" then go to the Programming tab.
Set Script to run after "Redrawn".
Enter in the large box:
name.text$ = [bookname]sheetname!cell(row,column);
where "name" is the name of the text object
where "bookname" is the window short name
where "sheetname" is the worksheet name
where "row" is the row number of the source text
where "column" is the column number of the source text

There is no hope!
(But I may be wrong.)
LoKiaK Posted - 01/29/2018 : 03:23:19 AM
Thanks James,
problem is, that you can't refer - as far as I know - to a cell of a different worksheet (a worksheet that is not connected to the graph and in another folder). I my case there are several folders containing worksheets and graphs, and I'd like to pick up some worksheet-content stored in the root folder and show it in the text-field of each graph (in the sub-folders). Do you have any idea how I can realize this?
YimingChen Posted - 01/26/2018 : 10:09:28 AM
Hi LoKiaK,

You can right click the text in graph when editing and select Insert Info Variable. In the dialog click the hunt button besides Please select variables from the bottom list or any cells from source worksheet. specify the cell containing the text to display. Close the dialog. Hope this solves your issue. Thanks.


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