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 Report FWHM in an unique worksheet

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Snapshot83 Posted - 01/29/2018 : 1:54:13 PM
Origin Pro 2017, Service Release: b9.4.0.220
Operating System:Windows 8.1

Hello to everybody. Can anyone kindly help me to understand how can I use the Gadget "Integrate" in order to have a report of all the curves in a separate sheet ? I need to do this for different multi-plots and I need as output only the FWHM of each curve.

Thanks in advance.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shirley_GZ Posted - 01/30/2018 : 04:00:42 AM

You can save the dialog settings as the default theme to perform these settings each time automatically, but you still need to select New Output for All Curves context menu each time.

To save the settings as default dialog theme, you can open the Integration Preferences dialog to click the black triangle button after the Dialog Theme box to select "Save as Default"; or on the graph, click the sideways black triangle at the top-right of the ROI box to select "Save as Default" menu item.


Originlab Technical Service Team
Snapshot83 Posted - 01/29/2018 : 3:28:24 PM
Originally posted by arstern


Please select the open the Integration Preferences dialog.

Next select the Output tab. Select Append to Worksheet and unselect script window under Output Quantities to

Under Result Worksheet Name, you can specify the name of the workbook and sheet of the output. i.e. [QkInteg]Result will create a workbook named QkInteg with a worksheet named result.

Select Ok

Select the sideways black triangle again and select New Output for All Curves (N).

Please let me know if this helps.

You made my night. It works perfectly !!! Thanks a lot, really !!!
arstern Posted - 01/29/2018 : 3:15:50 PM

Please select the open the Integration Preferences dialog.

Next select the Output tab. Select Append to Worksheet and unselect script window under Output Quantities to

Under Result Worksheet Name, you can specify the name of the workbook and sheet of the output. i.e. [QkInteg]Result will create a workbook named QkInteg with a worksheet named result.

Select Ok

Select the sideways black triangle again and select New Output for All Curves (N).

Please let me know if this helps.

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