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 "Easier" Column Notation

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TheOriginalManuel Posted - 01/31/2018 : 05:24:33 AM
Origin has this new function implemented where column short names are automatically changed, meaning that if you add a new column in between column A and B, the new column will be called B and the old column B will be renamed to C.

However if you have done a column calcuation beforehand column e.g. COL(A)-COL(B) and then add the column in between origin still does the right calculation (so now it should be COL(A)-COL(C)) however it still shows the formula COL(A)-COL(B).

It obviously does the right calculation because the values dont change even if you let it recalculate but if you want to look up later which columns you subtracted from which you can't get that information anymore because all the formulas will be wrong.

This is a very crapy function in my eyes.
You can switch it off by going to the properties of the worksheet and removing the tick from the box column notation for calcuation sheet (or something like that, my origin version is in german).
However you would have to remember doing that for every single new worksheet you open.

So now to my question:
Is there any way to turn off this function completley until origin fixed that issue?
And also, Origin, please fix that, it is really annoying.

Thanks for any suggestions on that!

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2017G SR2
Operating System: Windows 10

Well I just found out if you really use the new column notation for the calculations its works meaning if you use for the calcuations only A-B and add a column in betwenn A and B the calculation will afterwards say A-C which is correct.
Still I would appreciate it if it would also work for calculations using COL(A) instead of A

Well i hope the post at least helps other people who struggle with that problem
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
TheOriginalManuel Posted - 01/31/2018 : 06:12:15 AM
Hi Amanda,

That worked!

AmandaLu Posted - 01/31/2018 : 05:38:46 AM

Old formula like “col(A)-col(B)” cannot support auto update. Please try “A-B” instead. It supports auto update when the referring column is changed.

BTW, if you want to turn off “Spreadsheet Cell Notation” feature, refer to this quick help:

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