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 Iterations in the fitting Dialog

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Eggord Posted - 07/19/2018 : 09:01:24 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2018G SR1
Operating System: windows 7

When i do a nonlinear fitting, the dialog shows me the number of Iterations made. Are these really all iterations or just the sucessful iterations?
A sucessful iteration would be a iteration where the Chi becomes smaller.
Because after each iteration the Chi is smaller. But there must be some not succeful iterations, where the "newParameters" have been refused.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shirley_GZ Posted - 07/24/2018 : 02:14:21 AM
Hi Eggord,

The number of iterations you mentioned is the number of iterations performed at this fit(possibly executed by clicking on the "Fit until converged" button).

There is another number of iterations, which is the cumulant of the iterations in current session.
Such as, in your project,
95 + 20 =115
in which the number of iterations performed in all previous fits are 95 and that of current fit is 20. So, you have done 115 iterations in current session.

Please let you know if you still have problem on these values.


Originlab Technical Service Team
Eggord Posted - 07/23/2018 : 6:34:36 PM
I still have the same issue:

Here is an example which makes me thing that you are wrong:

Sorry it is in german but origin says that the fit doesn't converged and gives the number of iterations, 20.

Shirley_GZ Posted - 07/20/2018 : 02:35:51 AM
Hi Eggord,

The number of Iterations showing in the dialog is the total number of iterations, but not that of successful iterations.

Once a iteration reaches the required Chi-Sqr value, the fitting will stop and output the fitted results include the total number of iterations. Or, if the fit is not converged, but the number of iterations has reached to the maximum you set, the fitted results will output too, with the total number of iterations.

Please let me know if you still have problem on this or I am talking what you do not mean.


Originlab Technical Service Team

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