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 Descriptive statistics in ANOVA

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tryphon Posted - 09/17/2018 : 10:12:03 AM

I refer to a tutorial given there :
I'm looking at the Weight/Descriptive statistics table.

Also I ran the Statistics on Columns tools in the same example (two-way rm ANOVA1_raw.dat) and I got:

Data Mean SE of mean
weight1 83.28479 2.36115
weight2 74.66625 2.13095
weight3 67.05729 1.64261

The means here are the same as the means in the tutorial but this is not the case for the standard error and they are quite different.

Could you explain why?

Thank you.

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2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ridge Posted - 10/11/2018 : 09:44:38 AM
I'm currently engaged in my statistics course project and I have some ungrouped data example problems with my distribution tables. Or I can just learn the tutorials and use this product?
Echo_Chu Posted - 09/18/2018 : 04:00:12 AM

We used Least Square Mean (LS mean) for repeated measure. They are different from the observed means in statistics on columns tool.

It is also what other statistical software do for ANOVA tools, such as SPSS.

You can search LS mean to find more details for the issue.


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