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 Labtalk - Create new folder

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Francesco84 Posted - 10/10/2018 : 12:37:25 PM
Hello to all,
I would like to ask a question.

I'm programming with Labtalk and I need to create a new folder in a specific path in my PC.
It is possible?

For example, is it possible to create a new folder on Desktop?

Thanks for the answers,
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Francesco84 Posted - 10/12/2018 : 03:36:57 AM
Thank you Cpyang,

taking example from your code, I did as follows, in order to create a folder in any position

cd NewPath$; // change the current working directory
mkdir "Test" // create the "Test" subfolder
// Other operations
cd %Y // restore the default working directory

cpyang Posted - 10/10/2018 : 8:57:00 PM
I dont know which version of Origin you have but in a more recent version, you can find out the Desktop path by using the string register to the Apps root folder, then go back word to find the user's root, then you can use the cd command to switch to the desktop folder, then use mkdir command to create your folder.

I have tested this code with Origin 2018b, but I believe it should work in 2017 as well.

//the following LabTalk code will make a folder called "Test" on the desktop
string str$=%@A; //Apps folder
int nPos=str.Find("AppData");
str$=;//this should dump the desktop path
cd str$;
mkdir "Test";


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