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 Figure in ppt sizing error

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
soundofspeed Posted - 10/15/2018 : 5:22:42 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Windows 10
Origin 2018b


Often times, when I export figures from origin into ppt (via directly copy and paste, and even when I use the export to powerpoint option), an error occurs that trims part of the figure.

See attached image, where the image on the left is the error'ed image (sized wrong and trimmed) vs the desired image on the right. When I double click the figure to edit it in an external origin window, the figure looks correct, but exporting it back into ppt results in the mis-sized figure.

I think it might have to do with using numerous displays of varying sized, but even when I am just using the laptop monitor (without any other active displays) I still get this error.

Can someone help me fix this? it is a useful feature of origin when it works correctly.

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soundofspeed Posted - 10/16/2018 : 12:26:29 PM
I closed all programs, signed out of windows, signed back in, and reopened programs.

That seems to have worked and I can copy and paste from one display to the other.

Thanks for the tip, Chris.

Its still not the most convenient, but at least its a known workaround.

If the problem arises again, I will send the origin file and ppt to Yuki for further investigation. Castiel, I'll check the res values when the problem arises again too.

Thanks for help Origin community!

Chris D Posted - 10/16/2018 : 09:27:29 AM

When you change display or add or remove a display, make sure you shut down Origin, sign out of Windows, Sign back in to Windows, and then restart Origin.

Does it still happen then?

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support
yuki_wu Posted - 10/16/2018 : 01:53:46 AM

We received a similar report before (ID: ORG-12259-P2) and we are working on to fix it now. Not sure if you have the same issue. Could you please send your opj file and ppt file to us via with subject line Attn: Yuki?

Castiel Posted - 10/15/2018 : 9:32:29 PM
Originally posted by soundofspeed

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System: Windows 10
Origin 2018b


Often times, when I export figures from origin into ppt (via directly copy and paste, and even when I use the export to powerpoint option), an error occurs that trims part of the figure.

See attached image, where the image on the left is the error'ed image (sized wrong and trimmed) vs the desired image on the right. When I double click the figure to edit it in an external origin window, the figure looks correct, but exporting it back into ppt results in the mis-sized figure.

I think it might have to do with using numerous displays of varying sized, but even when I am just using the laptop monitor (without any other active displays) I still get this error.

Can someone help me fix this? it is a useful feature of origin when it works correctly.

What are the values of page.resx and page.resy?

You can get this value by typing "page.resx=" in the script window and hit enter directly with the graph activated. So does page.resy.

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