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 Adjusting axis title position/spacing from axis?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
fr0zensphere Posted - 10/19/2018 : 11:23:18 AM
Origin Ver. : OriginPro 2016 (64-bit)
Operating System: Win 10 (64-bit)

Is it possible to adjust how close the axis title/label is to the axis?

I did find an option that seems to control it under Tools -> Options. But there's a few problems:
1.) Am I correct that it would affect all graphs created in any Origin file, instead of applying only to the currently selected graph?
2.) When I changed the value and hit okay, nothing changed about the current graphs. It looks like it will only have an effect in any future graphs that I create. I want to adjust plots that I've already made.
3.) Ideally I would like to adjust the spacing on each axis separately, not necessarily have it apply to all axes.

Is there another way?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
fr0zensphere Posted - 11/13/2018 : 2:03:46 PM
yuki_wu Posted - 11/05/2018 : 12:33:52 AM

We improved Properties dialog two years ago, so please upgrade Origin to the latest version Origin 2019 and you could see the Position tab:


wdjkirk Posted - 11/04/2018 : 05:08:51 AM
I don't see a Position tab either. However, I would move the axis title in a particular graph by selecting it (single left click) and then nudging it with the arrow keys. William.
fr0zensphere Posted - 10/23/2018 : 12:23:49 PM
Originally posted by yuki_wu

2# Right-click on the axis title and select Properties… to open dialog, go to Position tab and set the offset directly.

Hmm, I don't see any position tab. This is what I see when I right click on axis title and select properties:

yuki_wu Posted - 10/22/2018 : 02:42:50 AM

1# Yes, the new settings of Tool: Options dialog affects all the graphs that you create after applying settings

2# Right-click on the axis title and select Properties… to open dialog, go to Position tab and set the offset directly.



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