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 XY plot with constant X value

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ligdar Posted - 10/23/2018 : 06:12:09 AM
I need to plot an XY chart in which there are some constant X values, while Y varies.

In practice it is the weight loss (Y) during a thermal ramp (X) which also includes a constant an isotherm period with constant T (eg T=constant=100°C for a time, after increases).
During the isotherm, Y continues to vary.

When I try to create the graph, only one value of X at T=100°C is shown and the whole period of isotherm thus collapses into a single point of X (Y vertical line).

The weight loss of Y in the isotern period (X=100°C) should be a more or less slanting line and not a vertical line.

How can I solve the problem?


T (°C) X=50,100,100,100,100,100,150,200,250
Weigth (%) Y=100,90,80,60,50,40,30,15,2
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 10/23/2018 : 1:42:52 PM
Hi ligdar,

I'm not sure exactly what the end result what you wanted, I thought that you want to have some
gradual offsets at the same X position.
Also, though the following way may not be the best approach, you can try:

Here, you made a new column(B) for the modified X, which calculates the X with offsets(5) on the same X in column A.
The formula uses the conditional operator (<condition>?<value-on-Yes>:<value-on-No> ).
( )

Does this work in your case?

--Hideo Fujii

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