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 Import multiple files with different columns names

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Allams Posted - 10/31/2018 : 05:30:29 AM
Version : Origin Pro 2018
Operating System: Windows 10


I have a problem with origin when I try to import multiple file with different columns names. Please find attached an example that illustrates the issue.
The columns imported are not sorted correctly. Data named “Capteur bis” are melted to the others because they don’t exist in “DonneesA.csv”.

What is the solution to correctly import the data and sort them by name ? Could you help me to write a post-import script if it's the only way to workaround ?

Best regards, technique
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shirley_GZ Posted - 11/01/2018 : 04:10:14 AM
Hi Allams,

I have checked the project file and source CSV files. It seems that you have selected "Start New Rows" for the file(except 1st) import mode. Then the second file "DonneesB.csv" will be stack into same sheet. Maybe you need to import the second file into the sheet by starting new columns?

Please capture a screenshot to show me the import settings you did and how you want to import the files(how to arrange the columns of two files and sort them by name).


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