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T O P I C    R E V I E W
yogeshgodwal Posted - 11/07/2018 : 2:09:27 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:Windows
How can I do boxplots when my x column is categorical?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Hideo Fujii Posted - 11/08/2018 : 09:33:48 AM
Hi yogeshgodwal,

> Here is the screen shot

Sorry, I cannot see your image in your post. Did you do the following 3 steps?:
1) press "Insert Image" (Yellow Scenery) button.
2) Upload your image file.
3) Press link to insert the image link in your post text.

--Hideo Fujii
yogeshgodwal Posted - 11/07/2018 : 5:58:02 PM
Here is the screen shot

Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi yogeshgodwal,

So, do you mean that your data itself is categorical? Box chart works to show the distribution of the
given dataset. So, if it is the case, you cannot make a box chart in principle. May be you can post
the screenshot of your data.

--Hideo Fujii

Hideo Fujii Posted - 11/07/2018 : 5:31:46 PM
Hi yogeshgodwal,

So, do you mean that your data itself is categorical? Box chart works to show the distribution of the
given dataset. So, if it is the case, you cannot make a box chart in principle. May be you can post
the screenshot of your data.

--Hideo Fujii
yogeshgodwal Posted - 11/07/2018 : 5:26:30 PM
Hello Hideo,
I do not have the data grouped. How do i plot it if the data is not grouped?
Originally posted by Hideo Fujii

Hi yogeshgodwal,

I assume that your actual data are in Y column, and the categorical values in X column are for
grouping - each group corresponds to the individual box. If this is your case, you can try separate
each group as a dataset by "unstacking".

1) Unstack the Y column to multiple columns by "Worksheet: Unstack Columns" menu. (If your X
has N unique categories, it produces N columns with categorical values in "Comments" header row.)
2) Highlight all generated columns, and make a Box chart.
3) Double-click an X tick label to show the Axis dialog, select "Tick Labels" tab, and "Display" subtab,
then set Type to "Column Name or Label", and Display to "Comments" to show the category labels
at the tick labels.

Hope this is your case. If my assumption about your data organization, you can further explain it
(with a screenshot, if possible).

--Hideo Fujii

Hideo Fujii Posted - 11/07/2018 : 4:25:38 PM
Hi yogeshgodwal,

I assume that your actual data are in Y column, and the categorical values in X column are for
grouping - each group corresponds to the individual box. If this is your case, you can try separate
each group as a dataset by "unstacking".

1) Unstack the Y column to multiple columns by "Worksheet: Unstack Columns" menu. (If your X
has N unique categories, it produces N columns with categorical values in "Comments" header row.)
2) Highlight all generated columns, and make a Box chart.
3) Double-click an X tick label to show the Axis dialog, select "Tick Labels" tab, and "Display" subtab,
then set Type to "Column Name or Label", and Display to "Comments" to show the category labels
at the tick labels.

Hope this is your case. If my assumption about your data organization, you can further explain it
(with a screenshot, if possible).

--Hideo Fujii

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