T O P I C R E V I E W |
ChBa |
Posted - 05/23/2019 : 8:36:16 PM Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Origin2019b Operating System: Windows 10 64bit Is it possible to embed an ICC profile during export of layouts / images / graphs as a) TIFF and b) EPS ? If not, can I safely assume the exported images are sRGB (D65, sRGB TRC according to IEC61966-2.1) ?
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
ChBa |
Posted - 05/29/2019 : 09:17:44 AM Thank you! If you could confirm that Origin Pro exports layouts in sRGB (even though the ICC profile cannot be embedded), all is fine: Users can then use external programs to convert images to sRGB before importing and for embedding the sRGB ICC profile after export. In any case I am happy that OriginPro has the capability to export layouts with high DPI. |
Shirley_GZ |
Posted - 05/29/2019 : 04:23:09 AM Hi ChBa,
I have submitted a jira for your request, ORG-20221. But I am not sure if we can implement this in a short term. Thanks for your reporting.
Thanks, Shirley
Originlab Technical Service Team |
ChBa |
Posted - 05/27/2019 : 12:57:29 PM As long as Origin Pro is not color-managed, that should be mentioned in the documentation. In particular the documentation should say that Origin Pro currently expects all imported images to be in sRGB (with sRGB TRC) and exports in sRGB (with sRGB TRC). Note: As long as Origin Pro ignores ICC profiles during import, importing non-sRGB images would result in wrong colors! If you want to improve OriginPro: GIMP development version now handles export as follows(I quote GIMP developer Jehan from https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp/commit/417f2c873fc2fdfe2bf50fb420f3250d46a5e462 ): [During export, there ...] are basically 3 cases: (1) We don't save [i.e. embed] a profile, then convert to sRGB whatever the source precision (because readers would assume sRGB for a no-profile jpeg). (2) We save the default profiles [sRGB with sRGB TRC, https://github.com/ellelstone/elles_icc_profiles/raw/master/profiles/sRGB-elle-V4-srgbtrc.icc ]: convert to sRGB because it's usually a better choice for 8-bit formats and even working at 32-bit float *linear* doesn't mean you want to export as 8-bit int *linear*. As the image creator made no explicit export choice, we make an acceptable default one. (3) We save an explicitly assigned profile: keep the profile TRC, don't convert! [...] |
Shirley_GZ |
Posted - 05/27/2019 : 06:29:33 AM Hi ChBa,
Thanks for the information!
I have checked with our developer, we don't support save ICC profile during exporting graphs.
We will discuss and then decide if we should support this.
Thanks, Shirley OriginLab
Originlab Technical Service Team |
ChBa |
Posted - 05/24/2019 : 4:20:44 PM I mean the sRGB ICC color profile with an sRGB tone reproduction curve according to the IEC61966-2.1 standard (https://github.com/ellelstone/elles_icc_profiles/raw/master/profiles/sRGB-elle-V4-srgbtrc.icc ). ICC profiles are usually embedded into images (e.g. TIFF files) by software that handles/exports images so that colors can be reproduced correctly using a color managed workflow. Because software in general may use different internal working color spaces for image manipulation and it is allowed to change the color space of the image, the software should embed the adequate ICC profile or it has to mention the image color space in the image metadata tags during export. Publishers that are aware of color management often require image files with embedded ICC profiles. Some more info: https://ninedegreesbelow.com/photography/lcms-make-icc-profiles.html |
Shirley_GZ |
Posted - 05/24/2019 : 03:59:35 AM Hi ChBa,
Sorry, would you please tell us what the ICC profile is. Just as I know, Origin doesn't support this for exporting graphs.
Anyway, would you please tell us more details about the ICC profile?
Thanks, Shirley
Originlab Technical Service Team |