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 Question about Batch Peak Analysis Using Theme

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
gsinchina Posted - 05/28/2019 : 11:49:45 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):origin2016pro
Operating System:window10
I am batch processing the peaks using the "batch peak analysis using theme". The theme was created in the "peak analyzer".

After batch fitting, I can get the peak properties such as Area fit, Center Grvty, FWHM, ect. However besides those, I also would like to have the standard error of each parameter. How can I get the values of standard error when I use batch peak analysis? Thanks.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shirley_GZ Posted - 06/03/2019 : 06:37:47 AM
Hi Gsinchina,

Would you please try to set the system variable @PFFC to 2, and try the peak fitting again?

About how to set the system variable values, you can refer to this page,

If still doesn't work, please consider to send us your sample data to let us check the details here?


Originlab Technical Service Team
gsinchina Posted - 05/30/2019 : 01:14:20 AM
Thanks a lot, Shirley!
Another problem related with the peak analyzer is that, at the last step of peak fitting, after clicking the "fit control" button I can choose either "1 interaction" or "fit until converge". If I click the "fit control" button for several times until converge, the fitted results were often very good, even without manually changing any fitting parameters during the process. However if I choose "fit until converge", the fitted results were often not satisfactory, that is, the fitted curve does not match with the raw data very well.

I guess the "batch peak analysis using theme" tool always goes the second way("fit until converge"), which made the batch processing meaningless to me, because I have to spend a lot of time to recheck the fitted results and fitted curve one by one after batch processing.

Do you know what is the difference between manually clicking "1 interaction" until converge and directly clicking "fit until converge"?
And what should I do to improve the fitting results when using the batch peak analysis?
Many thanks.

Update20190603: I have looked up the origin tutorial and it says that "fit until converged" will fix the peak center position for the first 20 interactions. I assume that the batch peak fitting using peak analyzer set "fit until converged" as default and that is probably why I did not get good fitting results by batch fitting. Now the question is how can I perform batch peak fitting without fix the first 20 interactions as set by "fit until converged"?

Originally posted by Shirley_GZ

Hi gsinchina,

Currently, you are not able to output standard errors for parameters with the "batch peak analysis using theme" tool.

I want to recommend you the app "peak deconvolution", , which can output parameters with standard errors in batch processing.


Originlab Technical Service Team

Shirley_GZ Posted - 05/29/2019 : 05:54:23 AM
Hi gsinchina,

Currently, you are not able to output standard errors for parameters with the "batch peak analysis using theme" tool.

I want to recommend you the app "peak deconvolution", , which can output parameters with standard errors in batch processing.


Originlab Technical Service Team

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