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 Slow loading of template files from user library.

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tmendes Posted - 07/03/2019 : 10:54:55 AM
OriginPro 2019 64-bit user here and I am having difficulty with extremely slow user template library loads. I believe it is related to the image associated with each template file. Is there a means of eliminating the image to expedite loading of the template files?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
minimax Posted - 07/11/2019 : 01:00:18 AM
it would be extremely helpful if the file location could be easily changed

Hi Tom,
Now you can click the Add Template button (the 3rd bitmap one) to add multiple templates from any location.

yuki_wu Posted - 07/10/2019 : 05:24:37 AM

We have added this issue to our tracking database (ID: ORG-20415), and we will improve it in the later version.


tmendes Posted - 07/08/2019 : 1:26:15 PM
Thanks for your response, Yuki. At present, I estimate the number of templates at over 200.

Also, it would be extremely helpful if the file location could be easily changed in the template GUI to point the application to specific file locations; this doesn't seem to be an option unless I am missing something.

Thank you!
yuki_wu Posted - 07/03/2019 : 11:31:47 PM

Could you please tell me how many templates you store in template library?

I am not sure if the speed is affected by loading the preview images. I tried to delete all the preview images, but I didn’t feel the loading speed was improved.

Anyway, I will bring up this issue to our product meeting to see if we could improve it in the future.



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