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 Adding count of plots instead of symbol in scatter

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
microbioSaroj Posted - 07/10/2019 : 01:39:43 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2018
Operating System: Windows 10
Hi! I am new user to OriginLab. I wanted to draw a scatterplot of two different variables (disk diffusion diameter vs MIC value). Some of the data coincide and instead of black square as a symbol I want the actual count of point at that particular data point. Somewhat like shown in the attached image. Like in the image, 8 data points coincide at that point (x:14, y:4). I had to overlap annotation over symbol and manually count the data and input count number.
Is there a simple way to do that?

Thank you!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
microbioSaroj Posted - 07/10/2019 : 11:48:56 AM
Originally posted by YimingChen


Here is one method.
1. Set col(C) data with formula col(A)$+","+col(B)$ .

2. Count the number of rows with duplicated x,y combinations. Highlight col(C), select from menu Statistics: Descriptive Statistics: Discrete Frequency..., In the dialog, change Output Results to [<input>]<input>. Click OK.

3. Add two columns in the worksheet, set values with formulas value(left(col(D), find(col(D),",")-1)) and value(right(col(D), len(col(D))-find(col(D),","))), this is just to extract x,y values for the plot.

4. Make scatter plot with col(F) and col(G). In plot details dialog, enable labels, set Label Form to Col(E), Position to Center. Under Symbol tab, set Symbol Size to 0.


Thank you very much! Your solution exactly does what I asked help for. I am grateful for your reply, thank you once again!

YimingChen Posted - 07/10/2019 : 09:54:13 AM

Here is one method.
1. Set col(C) data with formula col(A)$+","+col(B)$ .

2. Count the number of rows with duplicated x,y combinations. Highlight col(C), select from menu Statistics: Descriptive Statistics: Discrete Frequency..., In the dialog, change Output Results to [<input>]<input>. Click OK.

3. Add two columns in the worksheet, set values with formulas value(left(col(D), find(col(D),",")-1)) and value(right(col(D), len(col(D))-find(col(D),","))), this is just to extract x,y values for the plot.

4. Make scatter plot with col(F) and col(G). In plot details dialog, enable labels, set Label Form to Col(E), Position to Center. Under Symbol tab, set Symbol Size to 0.


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