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 two-way mixed-design ANOVA

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jenskjensk Posted - 07/15/2019 : 05:55:04 AM
Origin Ver. 2018 and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
Operating System:Windows

Hi there,

short question: I want to perform a two-way mixed-design ANOVA. When importing in RAW mode I can choose whether Factor_A or Factor_B was repeated measured. How can I choose this if I want to import my data arranged in index mode? I could not find something top select. Is it always the first factor (Factor_A)?

Thanks a lot best,
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
YimingChen Posted - 07/22/2019 : 5:14:17 PM

please check this tutorial page for details on organizing data for mixed model.

jenskjensk Posted - 07/16/2019 : 03:19:32 AM
Hi James,

thnaks to your fast response but unfortenately I still donĀ“t get it. Here is what I found in the online origin help.
"Notes: Data can also be arranged in index mode for two-way mixed-design ANOVA. Refer to the sample data, \Samples\Statistics\ANOVA\two-way rm ANOVA1_indexed.dat, for index mode of data of this tutorial.

I tryied it with this data set but was confused how the program knows with one is the repetead one.

Best, jens
YimingChen Posted - 07/15/2019 : 09:16:12 AM

You need to unstack your data so that the data for repeated factor is arranged into columns (raw mode). Thanks.


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