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 Tie plots for display in a graph windows

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AKazak Posted - 04/28/2020 : 2:38:22 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin):
OriginPro 2019b (64-bit)

I have the following case:

How do I tie plots with the same names in such a way to toggle their display correspondingly?

Thank you.
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AKazak Posted - 06/04/2020 : 05:22:35 AM
Originally posted by snowli

Hi AK,

Regarding to your original question, we do support it.
Open Plot Details dialog. Choose Graph node on the left.
On Layers tab, there is "Show/Hide Plots with Same Name" checkbox.
U can specify what metadata to use. E.g. by Long Name or Unit, or Comments, etc.
Then in Object Manger, click plot in one layer will affect other layers.

We had a Tips and Tricks video for this as well:

Thanks, Snow

This is exactly what I was asking about.

Thank you.

snowli Posted - 05/28/2020 : 4:23:19 PM
Hi AK,

Regarding to your original question, we do support it.
Open Plot Details dialog. Choose Graph node on the left.
On Layers tab, there is "Show/Hide Plots with Same Name" checkbox.
U can specify what metadata to use. E.g. by Long Name or Unit, or Comments, etc.
Then in Object Manger, click plot in one layer will affect other layers.

We had a Tips and Tricks video for this as well:

Thanks, Snow
cpyang Posted - 05/25/2020 : 4:31:07 PM
It is just the general thing about adding an object to run script, see

In this writing, it talked about Button Up, but you see a list of other events in the drop down list.

AKazak Posted - 05/25/2020 : 4:11:18 PM
Originally posted by cpyang

It is a good idea to have such, we will add to 2021 (ORG-21997), but for now, use Redraw, which works but will be triggered even if you move a label on the graph.

Add a text object, move it to outside the page, and in the Programming tab, set LT to run after Redraw.


Great news!
Can you share the snippet for using Redraw, please?

cpyang Posted - 05/25/2020 : 1:08:04 PM
It is a good idea to have such, we will add to 2021 (ORG-21997), but for now, use Redraw, which works but will be triggered even if you move a label on the graph.

Add a text object, move it to outside the page, and in Programming tab, set LT to run after Redraw.

AKazak Posted - 05/23/2020 : 5:36:13 PM
Can I write call-back functions (firing right after I do something with GUI) and use them in a plot window?

AKazak Posted - 05/01/2020 : 03:42:04 AM
Originally posted by AKazak
Dear Chris,
The "Show Plots with Same Name Only" option is a great option and it works well.
However, how do I make it run automatically after any left mouse click in Object Manager?

Can I automate this via LT?
AKazak Posted - 04/29/2020 : 09:44:34 AM
Originally posted by Chris D

You should be able to right-click on a plot in Object manager and select "Show Plots with Same Name Only".

I hope this helps.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

Dear Chris,

The "Show Plots with Same Name Only" option is a great option and it works well.
However, how do I make it run automatically after any left mouse click in Object Manager?
Chris D Posted - 04/29/2020 : 07:55:35 AM
You should be able to right-click on a plot in Object manager and select "Show Plots with Same Name Only".

I hope this helps.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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