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 Origin display line graph with additional line

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
BoraHorza Posted - 06/01/2020 : 4:15:06 PM
As per title, the line graph for a MS spectra is displayed with a additional line on top of it that looks like the trend on the original graph
Any idea how can it be removed? I couldn't find anything in the settings

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BoraHorza Posted - 06/01/2020 : 5:19:25 PM
Originally posted by Chris D

I wonder if it was a line drawn on the graph. Can you select the line and delete it?

If that isn't it, perhaps you can send us the project at so we can see what is going on. It is a bit hard to tell since you say there are just two columns (presumably X & Y).

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

No, I cannot select the second line. I will try to send the data if there is no other option.
Thank you
Chris D Posted - 06/01/2020 : 5:12:54 PM
I wonder if it was a line drawn on the graph. Can you select the line and delete it?

If that isn't it, perhaps you can send us the project at so we can see what is going on. It is a bit hard to tell since you say there are just two columns (presumably X & Y).

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support
BoraHorza Posted - 06/01/2020 : 4:52:01 PM
Originally posted by Chris D

Is that actually an Origin graph and you have the project file?

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

Yes, that is part of the graph. Basically is just two columns of data, there is no reason why there should be 2 lines in the graph.
Chris D Posted - 06/01/2020 : 4:47:03 PM
Is that actually an Origin graph and you have the project file?

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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