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 set column values - sum block of numbers vector

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tiago Moraes Posted - 06/09/2020 : 10:23:47 AM
I have a col(A) and I want to create a col(B) using Set Column Values, where each number in Col(B) is the sum of each 10 numbers in Col(A).

Col(A) | Col(B)
1 | sum(col(A)[1:10])
2 | sum(col(A)[11:20])
3 | sum(col(A)[21:30])
... |

I think there is a simple code for it. But I am not getting it.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you,

Origin 9
Operating System: Windows 7

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Tiago Moraes Posted - 06/10/2020 : 07:36:05 AM
Originally posted by YimingChen

That is because your Origin version is too old. Try this way, go to menu Window->Script window. Paste the following script, highlight all and press enter key to run.

n = int(wks.nrows/10);
range r2 = col(B);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
	range r1 = Col(A)[10*i-9:10*i];
	r2[i] = total(r1);


Great! It works!
Thank you very much!

YimingChen Posted - 06/09/2020 : 3:16:21 PM
That is because your Origin version is too old. Try this way, go to menu Window->Script window. Paste the following script, highlight all and press enter key to run.

n = int(wks.nrows/10);
range r2 = col(B);
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
	range r1 = Col(A)[10*i-9:10*i];
	r2[i] = total(r1);

Tiago Moraes Posted - 06/09/2020 : 2:39:50 PM
Originally posted by YimingChen

Try set column value with formula: total(col(A)[10*(i-1)+1:10*i])


Hi James, it does not work.

Set Column Values does not understand the sum index from [10*(i-1)+1] to [10*i] using colon :
thank you,

YimingChen Posted - 06/09/2020 : 1:41:36 PM
Try set column value with formula: total(col(A)[10*(i-1)+1:10*i])


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