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 Statistics Gadget: few questions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AKazak Posted - 06/12/2020 : 2:56:22 PM
OriginPro 2020b (64-bit)
Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1


I've using Statistics Gadget for some time and got several usability questions.

1) How I specify a target plot over for Statistics Gadget? Can I switch it to a different plot after the gadget was created?
2) Can I run the very same gadget for several plots at once?
3) Can I make the gadget do some non-standard calculation via LT script in the selected window?

I would appreciate if you clarify this a bit.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AKazak Posted - 06/19/2020 : 1:49:23 PM
Any ideas about 4) and 5)?

AKazak Posted - 06/17/2020 : 08:17:25 AM

Originally posted by Chris D


1) You can change which target to perform stats on by clicking on the fly-out menu (right arrow buttons->Change Data).
2) You can combine several plots into one via the same options as above. But, unlike most other gadgets, you can't output for all curves individually at one time. A limitation.
3) There is no facility for incorporating LabTalk into gadget calculations.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

Great news!

4) Can I name the gadget, for example, "Range A" so its name would appear in a separate column in the output? The idea is to have several gadgets for the active curve and a single report for all the ranges.

5) How do I set the gadget's left and right boundaries independent of zoom, i.e. fixed in absolute coordinates? The current gadget's behavior keeps the relative position of the boundaries and makes results dependent on zoom.

Thank you.

Chris D Posted - 06/12/2020 : 3:09:40 PM

1) You can change which target to perform stats on by clicking on the fly-out menu (right arrow buttons->Change Data).
2) You can combine several plots into one via the same options as above. But, unlike most other gadgets, you can't output for all curves individually at one time. A limitation.
3) There is no facility for incorporating LabTalk into gadget calculations.

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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