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 3D surface plot using 2D matrices

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ajha Posted - 06/15/2020 : 3:41:57 PM
Hi all,

I am struggling to plot the 3D surface using X,Y and Z
variables given in terms of 3 (n x m) 2D matrices. I am aware of how to plot the surface if X,Y, and Z are given in 3 columns vectors. I tried to arrange these 2D matrices into 3 columns vector by mapping through their corresponding indices, but Origin fails to interpolate the surface correctly. I think it is because it loss the parametric information when it is converted from 2D matrices into 1D vectors.

I know the fact that, one can plot 3D surface from three matrices (X,Y and Z) in other plotting tools such as Python, Matlab, Mathcad, gnuplot, etc.

Is there any way to do solve this problem? If so could someone please help me out. I am using OriginPro 2018.

Thank you

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
YimingChen Posted - 06/16/2020 : 5:26:27 PM
Not quite understand your question. If you would like to easily rotate the 3D graph, you can hold on r key and drag mouse to rotate.

ajha Posted - 06/15/2020 : 6:07:41 PM
Thanks James, it worked!
Just wondering if there is a similar way to draw a contour plot from three 2D matrices. Of course, a simple solution would be to plot the 3D surface with contours line and change the azimuth, inclination and roll angles of axes. But if there any other alternative, I would be happy to know.

Many thanks
YimingChen Posted - 06/15/2020 : 4:28:54 PM

You may want to check this page on parametric surface plot:


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