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 Data Selector tool: export data markers to a sheet

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AKazak Posted - 06/23/2020 : 1:00:34 PM
OriginPro 2020b (64-bit)
Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1


I have a multiple graphs in a single plot window and need to outline several continuous ranges for each plot.
I use the Data Selector/Regional Data Selector tool to place markers on the plots.

Now is there a way to export the outlined range boundaries along with the corresponding Y-values to a separate sheet?
Also, how do I shade each selected range with a distinct color?

Thank you.

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AKazak Posted - 06/29/2020 : 09:35:51 AM
Originally posted by minimax

Hi AKazak,

As to
However, I found out that gadget's both left and right boundaries depend on zoom. The current gadget's behavior keeps the relative position of the boundaries and makes results dependent on zoom.
Is there a way to fix in absolute coordinates?

It is so because the gadget rectangle object is attached to Layer Frame.

You can press Alt key and double click the rect to open Properties dialog, then change the "Attach to" combo to be "Layer and Scales" to take a try.
Then it will stay with the scale.

Thank you.
"Layer and Scales" made it work as expected.
Now, is there a way to clip to the axis to avoid gadget plotting outside the graph box?

minimax Posted - 06/27/2020 : 11:44:37 PM
Hi AKazak,

As to
However, I found out that gadget's both left and right boundaries depend on zoom. The current gadget's behavior keeps the relative position of the boundaries and makes results dependent on zoom.
Is there a way to fix in absolute coordinates?

It is so because the gadget rectangle object is attached to Layer Frame.

You can press Alt key and double click the rect to open Properties dialog, then change the "Attach to" combo to be "Layer and Scales" to take a try.
Then it will stay with the scale.
AKazak Posted - 06/26/2020 : 3:21:32 PM
Originally posted by snowli

Hi AK,

I suppose you meant that when you zoom in or rescale the axis, the ROI's left and right X values change instead of stay with axis position. I jiraed it in ORG-22162.

Thanks, Snow

Yes, I meant exactly this.
Thank you.

Is there any other way to create labeled ranges in Origin plots?

snowli Posted - 06/26/2020 : 2:07:19 PM
Hi AK,

I suppose you meant that when you zoom in or rescale the axis, the ROI's left and right X values change instead of stay with axis position. I jiraed it in ORG-22162.

Thanks, Snow

AKazak Posted - 06/25/2020 : 05:19:11 AM
Originally posted by Shirley_GZ

Hi AK,

Please view the video below to learn how to mark the "x1-x2" ranges and fill them:

Any problem, please let me know.

To learn more about Vertical Cursor, please view this video,

Originlab Technical Service Team

Thank you.
I watched both recordings and understood that currently Vertical Cursor gadget won't help me much since is does the analysis, but doesn't keep the labeled ranges for each plot separately.
Data Selector/Regional Data Selector tools also clear ranges after plot re-activation.

I was thinking about solving my task using Statistics gadget, because it highlights the selected range, calculates the statistics, and preserve its location.
However, I found out that gadget's both left and right boundaries depend on zoom. The current gadget's behavior keeps the relative position of the boundaries and makes results dependent on zoom.
Is there a way to fix in absolute coordinates?

Shirley_GZ Posted - 06/24/2020 : 06:06:25 AM
For this Object Manager issue, I have submitted a jira, ORG-22160

Originally posted by AKazak

I just noticed that Data Selection markers disappear after hiding/showing the corresponding plot (by unticking/ticking plot in Object Manager).
How do I label data ranges and keep the labeling?


Another jira has been submitted for your original requirement "Export X and Y values for X1-X2 ranges and fill color for the ranges", ORG-22159

Originlab Technical Service Team
Shirley_GZ Posted - 06/24/2020 : 05:29:37 AM
Hi AK,

Please view the video below to learn how to mark the "x1-x2" ranges and fill them:

Any problem, please let me know.

To learn more about Vertical Cursor, please view this video,


Originlab Technical Service Team
AKazak Posted - 06/23/2020 : 5:48:21 PM
I just noticed that Data Selection markers disappear after hiding/showing the corresponding plot (by unticking/ticking plot in Object Manager).
How do I label data ranges and keep the labeling?

AKazak Posted - 06/23/2020 : 5:08:23 PM
I checked Vertical Cursor gadget and found it to be very useful for a single X1-X2 range.
However, it seems that:
1) it cannot handle a few X1-X2 ranges;
2) it cannot import/restore previously saved ranges.

Basically what I need is to outline several X1-X2 ranges, apply color shading to them and get X1,Y1,X2,Y2.
Please see an illustration below:

Initially, I was thinking about use the Data Selector/Regional Data Selector tools to introduce X1-X2 ranges and then export corresponding X- and Y-values to a separate table.

AKazak Posted - 06/23/2020 : 4:29:24 PM
Originally posted by nick_n

You might wish to use Vertical Cursor gadget for export boundaries and Y - values. Not sure that I catch about shade range, probably Reference lines can help.
Good luck,


Thank you.
It will test and provide feedback.

nick_n Posted - 06/23/2020 : 1:44:49 PM
You might wish to use Vertical Cursor gadget for export boundaries and Y - values. Not sure that I catch about shade range, probably Reference lines can help.
Good luck,

AKazak Posted - 06/23/2020 : 1:04:37 PM
Could not find the answers in help:


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