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 SQL Editor Labtalk Substitution Limits

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Asmetana1 Posted - 06/29/2020 : 10:09:57 AM
OriginPro 2020b, Windows 10
I have a very long SQL query where labtalk variable substitution fails. When I try to preview the query with substitution, my scrip prompts for a value, but the substitution never happens. If I remove any one of several subqueries, the substitution works fine. I have verified the query works by using a text editor to make the substitution and running the query. The entire sql set is slightly less than 8000 characters and there are 15 substitutions. The substituted value is shorter then the variable name so the total number of characters decreases slightly after substitution.

What are the limits associated with labtalk substitution in the SQL editor in terms of lines, characters, substitutions, etc?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Asmetana1 Posted - 06/30/2020 : 09:41:05 AM
That was the issue. I was exceeding the character limit. I was able to shorten some names and eliminate some white space that had been added for readability, and the substitution now works.
cpyang Posted - 06/29/2020 : 6:39:40 PM
There is indeed a buffer size limit on the output to be less then 8192 bytes.

I added

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