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 Use graph layer name in legend

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AKazak Posted - 01/28/2021 : 03:19:49 AM
OriginPro 2021b (64-bit) Beta1
Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1


I created a graph with a structure below.
To work with this graph I use Show Plots with the Same Name Only option in the context menu.

In this case, the legend is better to contain layer names, while the legend title should be equal to the active plot name.
What is the best way to achieve this?

Thank you.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AKazak Posted - 01/29/2021 : 09:45:56 AM
Originally posted by snowli

OK. That's what we thought. So once we support substitution notation for layer name, it will be possible.

Thanks, Snow

I would be happy to test the new feature.
Do you plan to have it in 2021b Beta2?

snowli Posted - 01/29/2021 : 09:16:26 AM
OK. That's what we thought. So once we support substitution notation for layer name, it will be possible.

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 01/29/2021 : 03:17:48 AM
Originally posted by cpyang

You are talking about that we should add legend substitution notation for layer names and plot group names right? These two were currently not available but easy to add.

Great news!

Originally posted by snowli

Hi Andrey,

Do you mean you renamed layer name and group names in graph, and want to be able to edit legend to show layer name, group name, etc. instead of just showing 09.

Right now, u can use %(layer1.displayname$) to show layer name as legend text.

I am not sure what you mean by legend title. We don't have legend title. So u will have to add a row above the 1st row of legend and use %(1) in your case to show 09. U can use %(1, @L), etc. to show long name, etc. of plot.

I jiraed the suggestion to provide legend substitution notation for layer name and group name of the plot

Thanks, Snow

The desired legend for the screenshot above would be the following:

snowli Posted - 01/28/2021 : 4:35:23 PM
Hi Andrey,

Do you mean you renamed layer name and group names in graph, and want to be able to edit legend to show layer name, group name, etc. instead of just showing 09.

Right now, u can use %(layer1.displayname$) to show layer name as legend text.

I am not sure what you mean by legend title. We don't have legend title. So u will have to add a row above the 1st row of legend and use %(1) in your case to show 09. U can use %(1, @L), etc. to show long name, etc. of plot.

I jiraed the suggestion to provide legend substitution notation for layer name and group name of the plot

Thanks, Snow
cpyang Posted - 01/28/2021 : 4:25:50 PM
You are talking about that we should add legend substitution notation for layer names and plot group names right? These two were currently not available but easy to add.


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