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Posted - 02/04/2021 : 09:43:45 AM Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise (20H2)
Just ran into a weird issue. In a wookbook, I have columns A-G. In column G I have a function in the Before Formula Script. In the Formula I call the function like this: msgsync(F,i). So I am passing the value from that row in col F and passing the current row. Everything is working.
Now, I wanted to insert a new column between E and F. I click on the top of the F column to highlight it then move my mouse over the context toolbar that appears. I click on the 'insert' button. This is the weird part. The first time I did this, Col G moved over to Col H, like it should. It also changed the Col reference in the Formula from F to G. However, it deleted the entire Before Formula Script contents. I closed the project without saving and reopened. Everything is back to working. I repeated the process to insert the col, only this time it not auto change the Formula reference for the col from F to G and did not delete the Function. I have repeated this many times and have gotten to happen additional times, but not consistantly repeatable on demand.
Anyone run into this?
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 02/04/2021 : 11:13:05 AM Hi,
This is a bug, will be fixed in the upcoming 2021b.