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 Box chart line transparency

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AKazak Posted - 02/19/2021 : 4:00:39 PM
OriginPro 2021b (64-bit) Beta 6
Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1


I noticed that box chart fill seems to be transparent.

How do I adjust the level of line/fill transparency in this case?

Thank you.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AKazak Posted - 02/22/2021 : 1:36:36 PM
Originally posted by snowli

Hi Andrey,

On Pattern tab, could you uncheck "Follow line transparency" and check "Transparency for Fill only", and then adjust transparency slider?

It will change transparency of fill color so the contrast between border and fill color is adjusted.

Thanks, Snow

OK, got it.

snowli Posted - 02/22/2021 : 09:30:30 AM
Hi Andrey,

On Pattern tab, could you uncheck "Follow line transparency" and check "Transparency for Fill only", and then adjust transparency slider?

It will change transparency of fill color so the contrast between border and fill color is adjusted.

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 02/20/2021 : 03:57:21 AM
Originally posted by snowli

In Border color control, when choosing water color from the color list, there will be 5 variations. Maybe choose the darkest one and then use Transparency in Fill only to make the contrast bigger? Will that work?

Thanks, Snow

Here is what I see in the dialog:

Please note that all 5 color variations below the original color list do not only change the fading/transparency but also change colors themselves.
Therefore this option will not fit my needs.
What I really need is to control the degree of fill transparency relative to the original border color.

snowli Posted - 02/19/2021 : 5:23:35 PM
In Border color control, when choosing water color from the color list, there will be 5 variations. Maybe choose the darkest one and then use Transparency in Fill only to make the contrast bigger? Will that work?

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 02/19/2021 : 4:51:43 PM
Originally posted by snowli

Could you check Pattern tab and check what your fill color is set to.
When it's set to auto, we will always use a slightly light color so it looks a little more transparent.

You can set it to by By Plot and choose other color list, etc. they it will show the right color.

Also on that tab in 2021b, we added Transparent on Fill only so only fill color transparency changes.

If you uncheck it, border and fill with use same transparency.

Do you have a case that you need different transparency for border and fill?


Dear Snow,

Got it.

Here is my pattern tab:

Actually, I want to be able to set a degree of fill fading in contract to border color.
In other words, I want to have control over the border-to-fill transparency ratio.
This would help me to emphasize the boxes in the case of a pastel color list.

snowli Posted - 02/19/2021 : 4:43:39 PM
Could you check Pattern tab and check what your fill color is set to.
When it's set to auto, we will always use a slightly light color so it looks a little more transparent.

You can set it to by By Plot and choose other color list, etc. they it will show the right color.

Also on that tab in 2021b, we added Transparency on Fill only so only fill color transparency changes.

If you uncheck it, border and fill with use same transparency.

Do you have a case that you need different transparency for border and fill?


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