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 OPJU-Files damaged/corrupt

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SteffenG Posted - 02/22/2021 : 07:43:04 AM
OriginPro 2019 (64-bit) v9.6.0.172
Windows 10

Dear all,
I see more and more Origin-project files unable to be opened correctly. The files are saved correctly but open it later gives messages about damaged or corrupt file. Mostly some of the data is still to be seen. Sometimes the Origin-internal folder structure is collapsed. Sometimes the folders and sub-folders and also the data seams to be okay. It looks like that the problems happen more often for larger files (> 1 MB) so it is not possible to check manually if some data is lost or not.
The behavior is very annoying due one have no guaranty to open the files some weeks later correctly. May be others facing the same issue. I appreciate any hint to solve that issue and/or recover the corrupted files.

Best regards
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cpyang Posted - 02/23/2021 : 10:16:30 AM
If you are using sync to local copy, then there is no problem. There were some issues with google drive earlier but google may have fixed it. Dropbox never had issues.

rdax Posted - 02/23/2021 : 10:13:00 AM
@Chris D is there a problem with saving origin files directly to a cloud service? Do you not advise it? I usually store my origin files on onedrive and work on them by opening them directly from onedrive. I don't think onedrive syncs the while I am working on it though, it only syncs after I have closed it.
easwar Posted - 02/23/2021 : 09:58:35 AM
Hi Steffen,

Discussed here with our developers. They comment there is no way Origin truncates the file while saving. So it could possibly be some other process outside of Origin (such as the archiving system) that may be causing the truncation?

Perhaps try saving to a local folder on your PC for a while and see if that works all fine?

SteffenG Posted - 02/23/2021 : 03:31:17 AM
Hi Chris,

the files are located at our local network. No cloud services are used.
BTW: Meanwhile I was successful to get a damaged file to be opened correctly again. I compared the structure of the damaged file with an older but working version of the file by viewing the files using a hex editor. The older version of the file was automatically safed by our server (versioning feature). I found that the broken file has several 100 bytes lost at file end. I copied these bytes from the working file and append them to the broken file. Voila - the broken file could be opened without errors. But I am not sure if some of the newer data are still lost. Anyway, maybe this all helps to solve that issue.

Best regards
Chris D Posted - 02/22/2021 : 08:32:25 AM

By chance are you saving project files directly to or opening them directly from OneDrive, DropBox, google Drive, or other similar file syncing services?

Chris Drozdowski
Originlab Technical Support

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