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 Calculate time interval in months

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Clairekun Posted - 03/04/2021 : 09:12:13 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Originpro 2018b
Operating System: Windows 10


I have been unable to find a similar existing topic, so please forgive me if there already is one. I have a table with date values and need to calculate time intervals between each of those values and a specific day.

I have been able to get this interval in days (considering Origin reads dates as Julina dates) by setting column values as:


Before Formula scripts: RefDate = date(25/05/2019,2)

However, I would need to transform those values to months, taking into account that there can be 28, 30 or 31 days in a month (leap years not necessary).

Is this achievable in any way? I assume I could define a range of conditional variables depending on the month (might need help with this), but if there was a more automatic method, it would be great. As I understand, time formats cannot be set as monthly, and date formats don't work here.

Thank you.

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snowli Posted - 03/04/2021 : 12:25:59 PM
OK, thanks for clarifying it.

Clairekun Posted - 03/04/2021 : 11:25:08 AM
Your user story isn't clear.

I'm sorry about that, I have worked with many different types of data/techniques over time, I guess it can be confusing.
Could you explain more on this so we can see if we need to add function for this.

There is a reference table with expected results over time, in months.

I measure my data every few days, and plot it against the expected results to compare, using the first day of measurement as zero. Ideally, I would use the same scale.

Either way, I don't believe it is such a necessary function to add to the software; since the data is measured in a large period of time, I realised such precission is not really needed; asuming months are 365/12 days long is a good approximation.
snowli Posted - 03/04/2021 : 10:27:42 AM
Your user story isn't clear. Could you explain more on this so we can see if we need to add function for this.

BTW, from 3/1/2021 to 2/28/2021, it's 1 day interval but it seems you are treating it as 2 days interval.

Clairekun Posted - 03/04/2021 : 09:36:38 AM
Originally posted by snowli

E.g. if 3/1/2021 in col(A), while 2/28/2021 is refdate, should time interval be 1 month of 0 month?

It would be 0/28 months in february + 1/31 months in march, meaning a total of 0.03 months.

I'll look into date related functions, although I couldn't find anything when I first skim read it.
snowli Posted - 03/04/2021 : 09:26:43 AM
Could you explain how you want to calculate the interval in month?

E.g. if 3/1/2021 in col(A), while 2/28/2021 is refdate, should time interval be 1 month of 0 month?

In Set Column Values dialog, click Function: Date: menu, there are many date related functions.
E.g. u can use month() to get the month of the date, e.g. month(3/1/2021) will return 3.
U can use month(A)-month(refdate) to get month interval.


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