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 Create Animation video

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ajha Posted - 04/02/2021 : 3:15:54 PM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2020b
Operating System:Window 10


I want to create a video (movie) from a data file which updates their entries periodically, like a Ising model simulation. Is there any way to create such movie in Origin?
Please excuse me for such a basic question. I know it would be possible, but I am unable to do so.

Many thanks
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
一击爆裂陈子豪 Posted - 04/02/2021 : 4:24:48 PM
If you're using the Data Connector, it will auto-update (or at least ask you to trigger the re-import). But you will always need to do this inside Origin. The file won't get updated unless loading it in the software.
ajha Posted - 04/02/2021 : 4:06:16 PM

Also, how can I auto update the data in the worksheet if one know the file location of data file, such that any change in data file automatically gets update in Origin woksheet.

Many thanks
一击爆裂陈子豪 Posted - 04/02/2021 : 3:33:15 PM
You can try one of those:

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