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 Integration over specified ranges

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JakeyLG Posted - 04/06/2021 : 11:03:06 AM
OriginPro 2020 (64-bit) SR1

Hi, I have tried looking for a solution to this query on the forums already but I haven't turned up anything; apologies if this has already been answered.

I have a trace that I want to integrate to different time points, i.e. 0->a, 0->a+b, 0->a+b+c. I can do this the long-winded way of plotting graphs for each of the time periods but this becomes very tedious.

Is there a simpler way that I am missing to perform such a task? I can't model the trace reliably.

Thanks in advance,

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
YimingChen Posted - 04/06/2021 : 12:25:59 PM
Can you use menu Gadget:Integrate... on your curve? You can move/resize the yellow box, and click the triangle button, select New Output to check the integration result with different x range.


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