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 Legend text for multiple bubble plots in one layer

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Atedge Posted - 05/07/2021 : 11:42:44 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2021b (64-bit)
Operating System: Windows 10 20H2 (19042.928)
According to ,to use the column longname as the legend text for buble color mapping/indexing to,
Using the Data Plot Legend common to most 2D and 3D graphs as an example ...
%([LayerIndex.]PlotIndex[Axis] [,@option])
  • If symbol color or size is defined by a dataset, then PlotIndex can be replaced with a special syntax that refers to the modifying dataset: for color mapping/indexing use ?R, for size indexing use ?S.

When there is only one bubble type data plot, this goes fine with e.g. %(1.?S,@LL).
But notice that PlotIndex is replaced by ?R or ?S, so how to deal with the situation where multiple data plots of bubble type in a layer?
I have tried with the syntax like %(1.1?S,@LL) %(1.2?S,@LL) %(1.3?S,@LL) ..., but these all display literally. And %(1.?S,@LL) is substituted to the first only data plot's reference column longname.
So how to use legend substitution notation to handle other bubble data plots' reference column longname? Maybe the syntax of %([LayerIndex.]?R [,@option]) should be extended to %([LayerIndex.]PlotIndex[Axis].?R [,@option]) or something like this.
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snowli Posted - 05/10/2021 : 09:42:07 AM
Thanks for sharing the file.

This is a good user story. I have attached it to the jira I created for our developer to improve.

BTW, to explore plots in graph, we also have browser. E.g. if u single click the edge of white border of graph, u will see page level mini toolbar. There is a browser graph checkbox on 2nd row of the mini toolbar.
Click it. It will turn on a left panel with all plots listed like object manager.

Those you selected will show in graph only. U can later uncheck the mini toolbar to turn off the browser panel.

But same limitation on the left panel of the graph. It only shows legend in the Update Legend box so it even modified your modified legend. So it may not be good for this case. But just in case u want to use it in other cases.

Best, Snow

Atedge Posted - 05/07/2021 : 5:40:35 PM
Ok, I've made a minimal demo for test and uploaded it here:

In my case, I use col(A) as X, col(B) as Y and all other columns as bubble size mapping reference to plot a graph with multiple bubble type plots in a single layer. The symbol size of the first data point varies dramatically among plots, and maybe because of this, the symbol size showed in Object Manager will also vary dramatically -- some symbols are too big while some are just too tiny to see.
The reason for using Object Manager is that, I found it's a handy tool to hide some plots and show only plots on interests at the stage of data exploring and trial analysis. Although the layer properties dialog can also do this, but not as straightforward and handy as Object Manager.
Also if the auto legend translation mode can support the syntax %([LayerIndex.]PlotIndexS [,@option]), it will be unnesssary to edit it manually in the legend properties dialog box and more "auto-format" for graph template use.

Originally posted by snowli

That's interesting case. It looks we don't support it in object manager. As you said it follows Update Legend's settings.

Is there any reason you need to use them in object manager instead of the legend box in the graph?

I created ORG-23651 for our developer to improve in next version. Thank you for suggesting this and sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks, Snow

snowli Posted - 05/07/2021 : 5:12:53 PM
That's interesting case. It looks we don't support it in object manager. As you said it follows Update Legend's settings.

Is there any reason you need to use them in object manager instead of the legend box in the graph?

I created ORG-23651 and ORG-23102 P1 for the two issues for our developer to improve in next version. Thank you for suggesting this and sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks, Snow
Atedge Posted - 05/07/2021 : 3:54:18 PM
Thanks, it works! What a misunderstanding!
But how to set the options in The legendupdate Dialog Box and The (Plot Details) Legends/Titles Tab to get the same legend text as %(PlotIndexS,@LL) do?

The Reason why I insist on this is that the auto legend translation mode determinds the display of Object Manager! The default auto mode seems can only handle legend text like %([LayerIndex.]PlotIndex[Axis] [,@option]) but not %([LayerIndex.]PlotIndexS [,@option]), then the plot name showed by Object Manager is the data plot Y column longname instead of the bubble size/color mapping column longname. So when multiple bubble plots share the same Y column and map their size/color to other columns, Object Manager will show all plot names the same Y column longname, making it terriable to tell different plots,like below:

Moreover, to make things more worse, the legend symbol size seems to be linked to the first data point of the plot under default auto mode, so the symbol size showed in Object Manager will vary dramatically since the symbol size of the first data point varies dramatically, which the graph above also reflect. Are there any settings of options to control the symbol showed in Object Manager to be the same size?

Originally posted by snowli


We will improve the documents with more examples.

U can use the following
%(1.1S, @LL) //1st layer, 1st plot's size column's long name.
%(1.2S, @LL) //1st layer 2nd plot's size column's long name.

If u only have 1 layer, u don't need to include "1." part so it can be
%(1S, @LL)
%(2S, @LL)

Axis is used like this
%(1Y, @LL) //1st plot's Y data's long name.
%(1X, @LL) //1st plot's X data's long name.

Usually people need's y plot's info. so no need to have axis included.

? usually refers to 1st plot.
E.g. when you plot multiple data in one graph, Y axis title usually show's 1st Y's long name and unit. If u right click Y axis title and choose Properties, it shows
%(?Y). u can change it to %(2Y) to show 2nd plot's Y data's info. as axis title.

Thanks, Snow

snowli Posted - 05/07/2021 : 2:03:40 PM

We will improve the documents with more examples.

U can use the following
%(1.1S, @LL) //1st layer, 1st plot's size column's long name.
%(1.2S, @LL) //1st layer 2nd plot's size column's long name.

If u only have 1 layer, u don't need to include "1." part so it can be
%(1S, @LL)
%(2S, @LL)

Axis is used like this
%(1Y, @LL) //1st plot's Y data's long name.
%(1X, @LL) //1st plot's X data's long name.

Usually people need's y plot's info. so no need to have axis included.

? usually refers to 1st plot.
E.g. when you plot multiple data in one graph, Y axis title usually show's 1st Y's long name and unit. If u right click Y axis title and choose Properties, it shows
%(?Y). u can change it to %(2Y) to show 2nd plot's Y data's info. as axis title.

Thanks, Snow

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