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 Importing SPC files (Thermo Scientific)

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sperling Posted - 01/12/2022 : 4:42:38 PM
I'm trying to import SPC files using OriginPro 2021 (64-bit) but it doesn't work. I click OK on the impSPC window but nothing happens.

I though maybe something was wrong with my files, but nothing from the EPA website works either:

Any ideas on what to try?
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Yan_Mikoyan Posted - 06/17/2024 : 08:37:01 AM
Hi! Over the weekend I partially solved the problem. When you install a program on another computer (Win 7), *.spc files are successfully imported. The problems are probably related to the installations in the system itself. At the moment, the search for other solutions is not relevant. Thanks.
NicholasSupport Posted - 06/14/2024 : 2:16:35 PM
Originally posted by Yan_Mikoyan

Win 11, Origin Pro 2024b (trial).
I found the same problem. Files cannot be opened: *.spc. Your advice didn't help. These files can be opened in other specialized programs (OMNIC, Peak Spectroscopy Software).

Hello Yan,

Can you provide an example of the file(s) you are having trouble importing?

And of course, I assume you are using Data: Import From File: Thermo.


Nicholas G.
OriginLab Technical Support Team
Yan_Mikoyan Posted - 06/14/2024 : 11:06:48 AM
Win 11, Origin Pro 2024b (trial).
I found the same problem. Files cannot be opened: *.spc. Your advice didn't help. These files can be opened in other specialized programs (OMNIC, Peak Spectroscopy Software).
Mike Posted - 01/18/2022 : 4:37:22 PM
I've seen seen similar things ("nothing happens") that were resolved by changing the UFF. You might try this:
1. Look in folder \User Files\Themes\AnalysisAndReportTable for an SPC-related .ois file (e.g. 0-impSPC-Last used.ois) and delete the file(s). Then try your import again.
2. If that doesn't help, try closing Origin, renaming \User Files (don't delete it), then run Origin again. It will ask you to create a new UFF and once you are up and running, try your SPC import again (as reported by the others, I had no problem importing your file with 2021).

If that resolves the SPC import issue, you can then selectively move any custom files over from the old UFF.

Hope this helps.

Mike Genthner
OriginLab Tech Support
sperling Posted - 01/18/2022 : 1:03:33 PM
Unfortunately, my employer's IT is a bit draconian. I'm not allowed to run anything in administrator mode.

And it's their policy that everything gets put on OneDrive. However, I did try accessing the data from a thumbdrive, so that's not the problem.

(Yes, I realize the irony of this post: Thumbdrives are allowed, but heaven forbid we have administrator access.)
Shirley_GZ Posted - 01/14/2022 : 03:40:35 AM
Hi sperling,

I don't have any problem on importing this spc file in Origin 2021 here. Were you running Origin 2021 as administrator? If not, please try it. Otherwise, you might have to repair your Origin 2021.

BTW, I see you are using a OneDrive path, is your file stored in a local path or a network path?


Originlab Technical Service Team
sperling Posted - 01/13/2022 : 10:19:22 AM

I use
Data > Import From File > Thermo (SPC, CGM)

I add the file, click OK, click OK for the options dialog box.
The only message that pops up is...

File "C:\Users\myname\OneDrive - myemployer\Desktop\066b4ane.spc" cannot be opened!

(The exclamation point is from Origin. I'm not shouting.)
Shirley_GZ Posted - 01/13/2022 : 12:47:09 AM
Hi sperling,

It seems we have no problem to import the data here. Would you please provide more details:
Did you get any error message in the Message Log tab? and which data file has been imported using SPC import tool?


Originlab Technical Service Team

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