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 How to change arrangement of multipanel

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ArthurFSun Posted - 03/14/2022 : 10:37:45 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): OriginPro 2022 (64-bit) SR1
Operating System: Win 10

Dear all,

I have finished a multi-panel plot of 3x3. Is it possible to change it to a 2x5 arrangement?

Thank you in advance
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChaoC Posted - 03/17/2022 : 09:37:30 AM
Hi Arthur,

When you create a 3x3 plot from our plot menu it automatically generates 9 layers, 1 for each panel. When you change the dimension of the paneling to 2x5 it attempts to rearrange those 9 layers to the new arrangement.
In short, there is no relationship between the number of layers and panels, and in general, it will attempt to re-arrange your layers to the new panel dimensions the best it can. If you have more panels than layers, it will just leave the remaining panels blank.

To create a multi-panel plot of any number of rows and columns you can just create your graphs and in the Merge Graph dialog, set the number of rows and columns.
There is also a Multiple Panels by Label in the Plot menu where you can directly plot them from a worksheet.

ArthurFSun Posted - 03/16/2022 : 08:06:55 AM
Originally posted by ChaoC

Hi Arthur,

Go to the top of Origin to select Graph>Layer Management.
Under the Arrange tab you will find "Number of Rows" and "Number of Columns".
Make sure to select every layer on the left and click apply.

EDIT: A quicker way would be Graph>Arrange Layers


Hello Chao,

Thank you for your reply. When I set up a 3x3 multi-panel. I get 9 layers, each layer corresponding to one panel. After I change the plot to 2x5, there are 9 layers. Now, what is the corresponding relationship between the layers and the panels?

Besides, I find there is now a 2x2, a 2x4, and a 3x9 template for multi-panel plot under the plot menu. How to begin a multi-panle plot of any number of rows and columns?

ChaoC Posted - 03/14/2022 : 12:04:35 PM
Hi Arthur,

Go to the top of Origin to select Graph>Layer Management.
Under the Arrange tab you will find "Number of Rows" and "Number of Columns".
Make sure to select every layer on the left and click apply.

EDIT: A quicker way would be Graph>Arrange Layers


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