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 Interpolating gaps in the data

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AKazak Posted - 05/19/2022 : 09:28:28 AM
OriginPro 2022b (64-bit) SR1
Windows 7 Pro SP1 x64


I want to linearly interpolate the gaps by using only the end points, but not the whole XY range?

Is there a nice GUI function for doing this?
Or LT is the only solution?

Thank you.

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AKazak Posted - 05/21/2022 : 01:51:46 AM
Originally posted by snowli

I created ORG-25270 for this to see if we should improve it.

Thanks, Snow

I would find the effort to test the improvement in the upcoming beta version.

snowli Posted - 05/20/2022 : 11:59:29 AM
I created ORG-25270 for this to see if we should improve it.

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 05/20/2022 : 11:04:50 AM
Originally posted by snowli

Hi Andrey,

We have Analysis: Mathematics: Trace Interpolation for this but it will evenly space the x values.

Thanks, Snow

Dear Snow,

Analysis: Mathematics: Trace Interpolation seems to be a nice tool, but it still doesn't help me doing my task.

For now I made an LT script to do the desired interpolation.

snowli Posted - 05/20/2022 : 10:18:15 AM
Hi Andrey,

We have Analysis: Mathematics: Trace Interpolation for this but it will evenly space the x values.

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 05/20/2022 : 02:45:48 AM
I tried to use Analysis:Mathematics:Interpolate/Extrapolate, but it turned out that the function works well if X has fixed positive step (that is proportionaly growing).

The following example shows that the function does not give the correct results:

Is there any workaround?

AKazak Posted - 05/19/2022 : 2:37:23 PM
Originally posted by snowli

Hi Andrey,

Could you let me know what to improve in doc?

On Help page of it, it does say "Linear interpolation is a fast method of estimating a data point by constructing a line between two neighboring data points"

Thanks, Snow

Dear Snow,

It is currently very clear.
I see nothing to improve.

snowli Posted - 05/19/2022 : 1:41:04 PM
Hi Andrey,

Could you let me know what to improve in doc?

On Help page of it, it does say "Linear interpolation is a fast method of estimating a data point by constructing a line between two neighboring data points"

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 05/19/2022 : 12:56:27 PM
Originally posted by snowli

Hi Andrey,

When doing Analysis: Mathematics: Interpolate/Extrapolate using Linear method, it does use two neighbouring points to do linear interpolate for many X with that segment.
So u should be able to directly select whole B and to interpolateion. U can set output to be input xy so those empty cells in B will be filled.

Thanks, Snow

Dear Snow,

This was exactly that I was looking for!
Can you add this valuable information to the Analysis:Mathematics:Interpolate/Extrapolate help page, please?

snowli Posted - 05/19/2022 : 12:16:28 PM
Hi Andrey,

When doing Analysis: Mathematics: Interpolate/Extrapolate using Linear method, it does use two neighbouring points to do linear interpolate for many X with that segment.
So u should be able to directly select whole B and to interpolateion. U can set output to be input xy so those empty cells in B will be filled.

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 05/19/2022 : 10:15:16 AM
Originally posted by ChaoC

Hi Andrey,

Can you try Analysis|Mathematics|Interpolate/Extrapolate Y from X?


Dear Chao,

Thank you for the suggestion.
This seems as a semi-manual solution and doesn't work if a column contains several gaps.

ChaoC Posted - 05/19/2022 : 09:51:17 AM
Hi Andrey,

Can you try Analysis|Mathematics|Interpolate/Extrapolate Y from X?


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