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 Align axis consistently

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fbard Posted - 02/10/2023 : 09:46:07 AM

I have multiple plots on different windows in one folder and would like to align the y-axis titles such that their position is the same on the x axis. (e.g. if I were to stack them in multiple rows I could draw a vertical straight line through all of the y-axis titles).

However, the y-tick labels are different (one is scientific and another is decimal) and it seems like the axis titles follow the labels in automatically reposition based on the size and position of the labels. Using the same X Offset setting does not help.

Is there an easy workaround for this? Thank you!

Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2020b,
Operating System: Windows
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 12/12/2023 : 10:14:58 AM

Good news.

We have released Origin 2024 with this improved.

Please consider upgrading to Origin 2024.

Please visit for other highlights such as Dark Mode Support, Drag to Change Axis Scale on Graphs, Binary Column Type, SPC (statistical process control) App, etc.

Best, Snow
snowli Posted - 02/10/2023 : 11:12:01 AM
I created jira for this improvement

Page level property to specify if the axis title should follow axis line, or axis label for all layers.

Thanks, Snow
fbard Posted - 02/10/2023 : 10:23:23 AM
Sorry, I mean to say each plot has it's own window.

snowli Posted - 02/10/2023 : 10:12:26 AM
Right now the y axis title is relative to axis line+tick label to avoid overlapping with tick labels.

There is an Object Editor toolbar button which is docked on right side of Origin workspace by default.

In one graph with stacked layers, you can drag a rectangle around all y axis titles and click Align left button on that toolbar to align them.

Thanks, Snow

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