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Posted - 09/08/2023 : 5:10:04 PM Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): Hi,
I would like some help on the Fit Peaks feature of the peak analysis. I have 2,000 curves to analyze for peak detection, so I try to create a theme analysis.
When I create the theme, in the Fit Peaks windows, Origin generates automatically some Gaussian extrapolation that fit perfectly with my curve (see picture attached where the green Gaussian fit my black curve in height). I checked "Generate report from current fitting result" and directly click on "Finish", without clicking on "Fit". The results are as I want for this curve.
Unfortunately when I save these parameters as a Theme and apply it automatically, the software seems to click on the "Fit" button and I obtain Gaussian that do not fit my curve height ans apparence (see picture attached). Do you know a way to reproduce exactly my first results with an automatic theme ? There is probably a box to check, but I may need help to find it.
Thanks all!
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - 09/11/2023 : 5:42:04 PM Hi James,
Thanks a lot for your help! I checked Fix Status and Fixed Values and that was my issue.
Thanks again
Posted - 09/11/2023 : 09:44:34 AM It appears that you only want the initial guess of the fitting parameters to be the output instead of performing the peak fitting. One workaround would be fixing the parameters in the Fit Control dialog. When saving the theme, make sure to check the box Fixed Status Only.