T O P I C R E V I E W |
wisera |
Posted - 09/21/2023 : 10:28:54 AM I'd like to ask for some help with the creation of a texture diagram (sand, silt, clay) using a ternary plot. I have a problem with the axis direction, since the typical ternary plot has 100 % for the x-axis (lower right), y-axis (top) and z-axis (lower right). For texture diagrams in soil science conventionally this should be x-axis (lower left), y-axis (lower right) and z-axis (top).
Unlike other graphs, the ternary plot does not seem to have the option to reverse the axes (either by setting a tick mark or exchanging the lower and upper border).
I'm using OriginPro 2021.
a typical texture diagram: https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.1d2fffef92c2ead89465b459a18f4de6?rik=nZj%2fS9CFS8%2fRrw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0 my problem: https://ibb.co/V967sWh |
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
wisera |
Posted - 09/22/2023 : 09:23:31 AM Thank you for your advice, YimingChen. Apparently that missing option was only added in the later version.
The above advice only reversed the axis, i.e. the data points are still on the old positions despite reversed axis direction.
I finally found the option to reverse axes under Plot details - Layer Properties - Ternary - Direction (Clockwise/Counter clockwise)
YimingChen |
Posted - 09/22/2023 : 09:16:36 AM You might consider upgrading your Origin software to have the option below to "reverse" the axis.
James |