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 Heatmap for nonequaly spaced X-Values

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Scotty3007 Posted - 09/29/2023 : 08:17:52 AM
Hello Together,

i have a rather specific problem:
I have a set of measurement-Data in XYZ-Format that i want to plot as a Heatmap. The Y-Axis is equaly spaced. The X-Axis-Values, however, are not, as they were also measured individually together with the corresponding Z-Value.
Converting now to a matrix for heatmap plotting via gridding is not sufficient for me as it falsifies the result.
Is there a way how i can plot the Heatmap, while for each Y-Value Row a different X-Spacing is used? Especially Contour smoothing must not be enabled.

For clarity, here is a minimal example of the data arrangement:

-1 1 10
0 1 11
1 1 12
-0.9 0 11
0.1 0 11
0.9 0 10
-1.1 -1 9
0 -1 12
1.1 -1 13

I was able to successfully plot it the way i need it in Matlab via a loop
for i=(each row of Y)
imagesc(X(i,:), Y(i), Z(i,:))
so basically many stacked heatmap plots in one figure

Hope i could clarify the issue and that someone can help me :)

Best Regards,
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
YimingChen Posted - 10/04/2023 : 4:33:56 PM
It could be done in the upcoming Origin 2024 using the X-function to Plot multiple sheets into one heatmap. Please watch the attached video for the steps.

Scotty3007 Posted - 10/03/2023 : 05:19:52 AM
I see, thank you already for your help.
Is there maybe also a way to accelerate this? Many measurements have to be evaluated this way and the Y-Axis consist of over hundred values...
YimingChen Posted - 09/29/2023 : 2:44:18 PM
You can make such heatmap in Origin. But you need to make separate heatmp for each y, then merge them together. Please find the attached project file.

Scotty3007 Posted - 09/29/2023 : 09:30:27 AM

Here is what Matlab produces
YimingChen Posted - 09/29/2023 : 09:13:34 AM
Could you attach a picture showing the graph generated by the MatLab code? Thank you.


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