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 How to plot missing data in a contour profile plot

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
przemoft Posted - 10/10/2023 : 03:50:54 AM
Origin Ver.and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2023b (64-bit)
Operating System: WIN 11 (64 bit)

Dear All,
I know how to plot missing data for 2D line plot (Format->Page->Plot details->Display->Connect line across missing data), however, I cannot find such an option for Contour Map and Contour Profile Plot (created from matrix or XYZ worksheet). Is there a way to do this or anything similar in Origin?


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
YimingChen Posted - 10/19/2023 : 08:41:41 AM
Or you could use the menu tool Worksheet->Reduce Rows, and in the dialog, choose to delete rows with missing values.

przemoft Posted - 10/19/2023 : 08:15:51 AM
If I understand correctly, you are suggesting deleting X and Y values in rows where Z are missing. It works, but tracking those rows in the worksheet takes much time. I was hoping it could be done automatically (for this particular problem maybe something like an option “ignore X and Y values for missing Z” or something similar). However manual deletion of selected X and Y leads to the desired effect, Thanks.

YimingChen Posted - 10/11/2023 : 08:54:44 AM
Could you also set the X, and Y values to missing for those Z values? Thanks.

przemoft Posted - 10/11/2023 : 04:11:55 AM
The worksheet contains a set of points representing XYZ values; some Z-s are missing. The missing values are black regions in the plot. I know I can set the color for missing values as blue (in that case), but sometimes the values are high enough to be represented in yellow or red (for instance missing data in a slope). I want Origin to pick the proper color based on values at the start and end of the gap in the data. I would also like to apply it to the contour profile plot.

YimingChen Posted - 10/10/2023 : 08:42:10 AM
It shouldn't be an issue for contour. Could you provide an example showing the problem? Thanks.


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