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 batch processing xml files

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Joachim.Deinhofer Posted - 11/14/2023 : 07:10:52 AM
Origin Ver. and Service Release (Select Help-->About Origin): 2023
Operating System: Windows 10

Hi everybody,

I am kind of new to Origin batch processing. I was asking myself it it was possible to batch process data extracted from xml files.
To me it seems pretty complicated, given that most the online explanations include import of simple dat files.

I would be glad if you could share your opinion or experience!

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Joachim.Deinhofer Posted - 11/17/2023 : 02:03:12 AM
Hi Echo,
It did the trick. Thanks so much!
Kind regards,
Echo_Chu Posted - 11/16/2023 : 12:26:42 AM
Support you generate a PDF file named sensor01 in folder "D:\temp\",
You can use scripts below in the batch process dialog to rename the file

file -c "D:\temp\Sensor01.pdf" "D:\temp\mysensor.pdf";
delete -f "D:\temp\Sensor01.pdf";
Joachim.Deinhofer Posted - 11/15/2023 : 08:33:28 AM
I got it right elaborating my import and analysis using LabTalk.

Then, I set the batch processing data source to "Use Existing Worksheets".
This batch process exports only one pdf file designed by a Word template.

However, there is one thing left unresolved. As I complete the batch process, I cannot change the name that is given to the pdf (which is "Bookmarks", as in "Data Sheet(s)" specified, or "Bookmarks1", "Bookmarks2" and so on).

Might there be a way to change the pdf name in the "Script at the End" option?

aplotnikov Posted - 11/14/2023 : 09:39:59 AM

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