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 2023bSR1: using Analysis Template for project data

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AKazak Posted - 11/16/2023 : 06:53:01 AM
OriginPro 2023b (64-bit) SR1
Windows 10 Pro for Workstations 10.0.19045.3570


I like using

However sometimes I have data imported as a set of sheets sharing the same format.
Now I take Sheet 1 from a set and add few analysis columns to the right. Next step I see is to re-create the same analysis columns to the remaining data sheets.

What is the proper way of doing this?

Thank you.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
snowli Posted - 11/22/2023 : 11:29:06 AM
Hi Andrey,

Sorry for replying late. We were busy with Origin 2024 release. Good news, it's released yesterday.

We created ORG-28175 and ORG-28184 to improve batch processing with existing data.

E.g. Improve Batch Processing dialog to allow user to pick an active sheet as template so user doesn't have to save analysis template.

It's different from current "Repeatedly import into active template window", it should allow user to then pick existing worksheet, etc.

And choose to apply the analysis to source sheet instead of creating new books for each source so if it works, user can go to 085, 093, ... sheets and see corresponding analysis on each sheet.

Right now, i can drag Template Sheet out of workbook so it becomes an independent book.
Save it as Analysis template (OGWU) file since Batch Processing db only uses ogwu file
Then open Batch Processing dialog.
Load the save ogwu file.
Pick Source data to be Using Existing Worksheet. Pick those 085, 093, 103 sheets.
And click OK will generate 3 new workbooks with analysis results.

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 11/19/2023 : 06:33:56 AM
Originally posted by snowli

Could you share your project and also the analysis template file so i can play with it to see how to improve it?

For analysis, i am not sure what analysis you did e.g. only set column values, or you have done other analysis, data arrangement, etc. are all output in same sheet as data?

For your opju file with many sheets, are they in same book or different books, etc.

Thanks, Snow

Dear Snow,

Here you are:

The project contains the data sheets and data processing Template sheet.

Please let me know about you findings.

Thank you.

snowli Posted - 11/17/2023 : 10:04:54 AM
I created ORG-28166 to check with developer if there is LabTalk for this.
Also created ORG-28165 to allow select multi-sheets on left panel to connect by duplicating active sheet.

Thanks, Snow

Originally posted by AKazak

Dear Snow,

Nice trick with Connect by Duplicating Active Sheet!
Can I automate it using LT script?


snowli Posted - 11/17/2023 : 09:59:16 AM
Could you share your project and also the analysis template file so i can play with it to see how to improve it?

For analysis, i am not sure what analysis you did e.g. only set column values, or you have done other analysis, data arrangement, etc. are all output in same sheet as data?

For your opju file with many sheets, are they in same book or different books, etc.

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 11/17/2023 : 12:43:46 AM
Dear Snow,

Nice trick with Connect by Duplicating Active Sheet!
Can I automate it using LT script?

Side solution: I see that batchProcess can take existing worksheet(s) as input(s). Can I ask the function to keep intermediate workbooks (template with data pasted from the input worksheet) that used to create Result Sheet itself?

snowli Posted - 11/16/2023 : 3:19:55 PM
Hi Andrey,

Here is one way I tried
I have an opju with a multi-sheet workbook with same structure.
Use Data: Connect to File: Origin File to import 1st one.
Then do analysis on the sheet, such as normalize B, then add D column to do B-C

On left panel, there is a list of all sheets in the book in opju file.
So I can right click each sheet and choose Connect by Duplicate which will import each sheet and do same analysis.

But the drawback is i can't pick multiple sheets.

Thanks, Snow
AKazak Posted - 11/16/2023 : 10:29:11 AM
batchProcess seems to be promising tool, but it seems to output to Result Sheet without saving intermediate workbooks.

AKazak Posted - 11/16/2023 : 10:00:39 AM
Originally posted by AKazak

So far, my way is to Copy Columns in a LT script.


colcopy does not perform the required actions since it does not copy formulas and Set Values expressions...

The alternative solution is wanted.

AKazak Posted - 11/16/2023 : 09:30:10 AM
So far, my way is to Copy Columns in a LT script.


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