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 Can't select plot line behin other plot line

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tsaiim Posted - 11/18/2023 : 04:43:56 AM
I plotted two lines that are nearly overlapping and I want to change the colour of one of the two.
However, I can't select it because Origin always marks the one in the front as selected.
Even if I disable that line in the object manager and click on the remaining line, it will still select the invisible other line...

14   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
aplotnikov Posted - 11/22/2023 : 11:15:57 AM
Originally posted by snowli
Our developer found it's a bug when there are special points in graph, which will be fixed in next version.

The policy of fixing bugs only in the next version looks unfair to users.
snowli Posted - 11/22/2023 : 10:47:16 AM
Hi Matthias,

Our developer found it's a bug when there are special points in graph, which will be fixed in next version.

For now, the simplest workaround it is click on red or black plot in Object manager and use mini toolbar to edit them.

Or right click g1 in Object Manager and choose Edit Mode: Independent
Then you will be able to uncheck Selectable for blue and click red or black in graph.

If u need to do some customization for the whole group, click g1 again and set Edit mode back to Dependent.

Thanks, Snow
tsaiim Posted - 11/22/2023 : 09:48:15 AM
Originally posted by snowli

Yes, this is our jira number but we don't give user access to it.

But if this is solved in the future version (We just released 2024 yesterday), we will post update in this forum.

Thanks, Snow

Alright, perfect, thank you!
snowli Posted - 11/22/2023 : 08:37:52 AM
Originally posted by aplotnikov

You responded to a meaningless post generated by an AI to advertise on the forum.

Thank you for letting tsaiim know. I found several cases like this. I removed it to avoid confusion to future visitors.

Thanks, Snow
snowli Posted - 11/22/2023 : 08:35:50 AM
Yes, this is our jira number but we don't give user access to it.

But if this is solved in the future version (We just released 2024 yesterday), we will post update in this forum.

Thanks, Snow

Originally posted by tsaiim

Hi Snow,
thanks! Is ORG-28193 a reference number so I can see the answer of the dev-team somewhere once they had a look a it?

aplotnikov Posted - 11/22/2023 : 08:27:03 AM
You responded to a meaningless post generated by an AI to advertise on the forum.
tsaiim Posted - 11/22/2023 : 06:59:22 AM
Originally posted by snowli

Hi Tsaiim,

Thanks for sharing the opju. I can reproduce the issue with this opju.
The blue plot is selected even if i click on the black plot sometimes.
I created ORG-28193 for our developer to check.

Thanks, Snow

Hi Snow,
thanks! Is ORG-28193 a reference number so I can see the answer of the dev-team somewhere once they had a look a it?
snowli Posted - 11/21/2023 : 11:57:53 AM
Hi Tsaiim,

Thanks for sharing the opju. I can reproduce the issue with this opju.
The blue plot is selected even if i click on the black plot sometimes.
I created ORG-28193 for our developer to check.

Thanks, Snow
tsaiim Posted - 11/21/2023 : 09:29:26 AM
Originally posted by snowli

Could you check if it's only an issue on this graph?

If so, could you share the graph as an oggu file or save the opju file for us to check?

Thanks, Snow

It's true, I can't reproduce it in a simple example.
I attached the opju file.
It happens when I try to select the red line.
I managed to select the last data point of the red line in order to activate its label by deleting the blue line first and then replotting it.
But it's weird that I can't use the "selectable" option for the blue line.
snowli Posted - 11/21/2023 : 09:07:21 AM
Could you check if it's only an issue on this graph?

If so, could you share the graph as an oggu file or save the opju file for us to check?

Thanks, Snow
tsaiim Posted - 11/21/2023 : 05:03:57 AM
Originally posted by snowli


1. In Object Manager, if u left click the plot, mini toolbar shows up as well to edit the corresponding plot.

2. I am not sure which version of Origin you are using. In Origin 2023, Click the plot in front to see mini toolbar. Go to the 2nd tab (single man icon) and uncheck the Selectable button.

Then when you click on plot, it will only pick the one at bottom.

U can also go to Object Manager and click the plot on top and check selectable again to allow top plot be selected.

This explanation of this feature on youtube
Thanks, Snow

Hi snow, thanks for the answer!
The funny thing is, even after selecting the "selectable" button and therefore technically making it unable to be selected, it somehow still selects that exact line when clicking on it.
tsaiim Posted - 11/21/2023 : 04:58:53 AM
Originally posted by aplotnikov

Use Labtalk to change the plot parameters:
set <dataset_name> -c <color#>

Thanks for the answer! This does work, however it just changes the data points for me, not the lines. I guess I just have to look into the command line tools to specify my commands better :)
snowli Posted - 11/20/2023 : 10:15:10 AM

1. In Object Manager, if u left click the plot, mini toolbar shows up as well to edit the corresponding plot.

2. I am not sure which version of Origin you are using. In Origin 2023, Click the plot in front to see mini toolbar. Go to the 2nd tab (single man icon) and uncheck the Selectable button.

Then when you click on plot, it will only pick the one at bottom.

U can also go to Object Manager and click the plot on top and check selectable again to allow top plot be selected.

This explanation of this feature on youtube
Thanks, Snow
aplotnikov Posted - 11/18/2023 : 12:21:03 PM
Use Labtalk to change the plot parameters:
set <dataset_name> -c <color#>

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