Import every n-th file:
int n=10;
string strDataPath$="X:\\AAA\\BBB\\";
findFiles path:=strDataPath$ ext:="csv" addpath:=1;
for(int iFileBeg = 1; iFileBeg < fname.GetNumTokens(CRLF); iFileBeg++) {
int iFile;
loop(iFile, 1, n-1) {
fname.Replace(fname.GetToken(iFileBeg+1, CRLF)$ + "%(CRLF)", "");
If you have sequentially numbered files, you should combine the file names (including the data path) into the fname$-string in a loop:
int n=10;
int nFiles=20;
int iFile;
string strDataPath$="X:\\AAA\\BBB\\";
string strPrefix$="%(strDataPath$)spec_";
string strSuffix$="_xyz";
loop(iFile, 0, nFiles-1) {
fname$ = fname$ + "%(strPrefix$)$(iFile*n+1, #4)%(strSuffix$).csv%(CRLF)";
Use your own values for n, nFiles, strDataPath$, strPrefix$, strSuffix$ as well as the format of the sequential number. Tune the import options if necessary (see the impASC-X-Function documentation).